C’est en 1944, après plusieurs prototypages employés au logement d’urgence, que débute dans les Ateliers Jean Prouvé la production des bahuts démontables destinés cette fois au marché domestique. Ce modèle, conçu en tôles métalliques embouties et cannelées où s’encastrent des crémaillères, incarne la pensée constructive de Jean Prouvé : l’industrialisation et la standardisation de la production à travers le développement de la menuiserie métallique. A partir d’un modèle standard, Jean Prouvé réalise plusieurs variantes en déclinant les matériaux afin de satisfaire la demande croissante ainsi que les exigences d’une clientèle importante. La variante du Bahut ‘BA12’ puis ‘N.52’ ‘Tout aluminium’ en pointe de diamant est un exemple rare des recherches dirigées par Jean Prouvé autour des propriétés industrielles et esthétiques de l’aluminium. Celui-ci, en embossant la tôle d'aluminium en forme pyramidale, optimise la rigidité de la structure et convoque la puissance ornementale et visuelle de la ‘pointe de diamant’ propre au décor médiéval.
It was in 1944, after several prototypes used in emergency housing, that the production of removable sideboards, this time intended for the domestic market, began in the Ateliers Jean Prouvé. This model, designed in stamped and grooved metal sheets into which racks are embedded, embodies Jean Prouvé's constructive thinking: industrialization and standardization of production through the development of metal carpentry. From a standard model, Jean Prouvé produces several variants by declining the materials in order to meet the growing demand as well as the requirements of a large clientele. The variant of the sideboard ‘BA12’ then ‘N.52’ ’All aluminum’ with a diamond point, is a rare example of the research led by Jean Prouvé around the industrial and aesthetic properties of aluminum. By leaving the aluminum sheet and embossing it in a pyramidal shape, he optimizes the rigidity of the structure and summons the ornamental and visual power of the Pointe de diamant’ reminiscent of medieval decor.
It was in 1944, after several prototypes used in emergency housing, that the production of removable sideboards, this time intended for the domestic market, began in the Ateliers Jean Prouvé. This model, designed in stamped and grooved metal sheets into which racks are embedded, embodies Jean Prouvé's constructive thinking: industrialization and standardization of production through the development of metal carpentry. From a standard model, Jean Prouvé produces several variants by declining the materials in order to meet the growing demand as well as the requirements of a large clientele. The variant of the sideboard ‘BA12’ then ‘N.52’ ’All aluminum’ with a diamond point, is a rare example of the research led by Jean Prouvé around the industrial and aesthetic properties of aluminum. By leaving the aluminum sheet and embossing it in a pyramidal shape, he optimizes the rigidity of the structure and summons the ornamental and visual power of the Pointe de diamant’ reminiscent of medieval decor.