'...Alighiero aveva fatto stampare una grandissima quantità di questo poster. Non li vendeva ma li dava. Regalava un poster non un'opera. Suggeriva ai felici destinatari di colorare il poster. Se, dopo il loro intervento, Boetti lo trovava bello, gli dava lo statuto di opera (di solito firmandolo) sennò restava un bel poster!'
'…Alighiero had a great quantity of this poster printed. He didn't sell them but gave them away. He gifted a poster, not an artwork. He would suggest to the those lucky enough to receive it to colour the poster. If, after their intervention, Boetti found it appealing, he would give it the status of artwork (usually by signing it) otherwise it remained a nice poster!'
'…Alighiero had a great quantity of this poster printed. He didn't sell them but gave them away. He gifted a poster, not an artwork. He would suggest to the those lucky enough to receive it to colour the poster. If, after their intervention, Boetti found it appealing, he would give it the status of artwork (usually by signing it) otherwise it remained a nice poster!'