Ultimately, in a Merzbild, Schwitters explained, the 'material matters as little as I do myself. What matters is forming it. Since the material does not matter, I take whatever material I like, if the picture requires it. Because I balance different kinds of material against one another, I have an advantage over oil painting, for in addition to evaluating color against color, line against line, form against form, and so on, I also evaluate material against material—wood as opposed to burlap, for example…' (‘Merz,’ Der Ararat, 1921, quoted in R. Motherwell, The Dada Painters and Poets, London, 1989, pp. 55-65). Merz, in this way, comes to stand ultimately for “freedom from all fetters, for the sake of artistic creation. Freedom is not lack of restraint, but the product of strict artistic discipline” (Kurt Schwitters quoted in W. Schmalenbach, Kurt Schwitters, Cologne, 1967, p. 78).