乔尔·梅斯勒 (1974年生)
无题 (你值得拥有美好的一切)
颜料 麻布
226 x 165 cm. (84 x 65 in.)
2020 年作
款识:Joel Mesler 2020 (画布背⾯)
东汉普顿 Rental画廊
纽约 私人收藏
This Lot has been sourced from overseas.
When auctioned, such property will remain under “bond” with the applicable import customs duties and taxes being deferred unless and until the property is brought into free circulation in the PRC.
Prospective buyers are reminded that after paying for such lots in full and cleared funds, if they wish to import the lots into the PRC, they will be responsible for and will have to pay the applicable import customs duties and taxes. The rates of import customs duty and tax are based on the value of the goods and the relevant customs regulations and classifications in force at the time of import.
本拍品已獲選參加上海龍美術館 (Long Museum, Shanghai) 暫定於2022年7月至2022年10月的展覽。
詳情請與相關部門聯繫 (電郵: mcahk@christies.com)。
This lot has been selected by Long Museum, Shanghai for its exhibition planned to be held tentatively from July to October 2022.
Therefore, the buyer of this lot shall be invited to exhibit this lot in the above institution for the duration of the exhibition.
For more details, please contact the department (email: mcahk@christies.com).