This Lot has been sourced from overseas.
When au…
KAWS (1974年生)
假期 (4)
KAWS KAWS (1974年生) 假期 (4) 铝 涂料 雕塑 28 (H) x 100 x 40 cm. (11 x 39 3⁄8 x 15 3⁄4 in.) 2020年作 版数:3/10 + 2艺术家试版 款识:3/10 KAWS .. 20 (底部)
Skarstedt画廊 亚洲 私人收藏 (现藏者购自上述画廊)
2021年2月- 9月「KAWS: WHAT PARTY」纽约 布鲁克林博物馆 (展览为不同版数版本) 2021年3月- 4月「KAWS: HOLIDAY」佛罗里达 Skarstedt棕榈滩画廊 (展览为不同版数版本) 2021年7月- 10月「KAWS: TOKYO FIRST」东京 森美术馆 (展览为不同版数版本)
This Lot has been sourced from overseas.
When auctioned, such property will remain under “bond” with the applicable import customs duties and taxes being deferred unless and until the property is brought into free circulation in the PRC.
Prospective buyers are reminded that after paying for such lots in full and cleared funds, if they wish to import the lots into the PRC, they will be responsible for and will have to pay the applicable import customs duties and taxes. The rates of import customs duty and tax are based on the value of the goods and the relevant customs regulations and classifications in force at the time of import.