The Adoration of the Shepherds
The Adoration of the Shepherds
oil on panel
17 x 11 1/8 in. (43.1 x 28.2 cm.)
The Adoration of the Shepherds
oil on panel
17 x 11 1/8 in. (43.1 x 28.2 cm.)
Sir Abraham Hume, Bt. (1749-1838), by inheritance to his grandson,
Viscount Alford, and by descent to,
Adelbert Wellington, 3rd Earl Brownlow (1844-1921), Ashridge, Berkhamsted; (†), Christie's, London, 7 May 1923, lot 126, as 'Sir A. Van Dyck' (170 gns. to Colnaghi),
with Galerie Sanct Lucas, Vienna, by 1929, from whom acquired by,
Ernst Cohn, Bremen and subsequently Scarsdale, New York, and by descent to the present owners.
Viscount Alford, and by descent to,
Adelbert Wellington, 3rd Earl Brownlow (1844-1921), Ashridge, Berkhamsted; (†), Christie's, London, 7 May 1923, lot 126, as 'Sir A. Van Dyck' (170 gns. to Colnaghi),
with Galerie Sanct Lucas, Vienna, by 1929, from whom acquired by,
Ernst Cohn, Bremen and subsequently Scarsdale, New York, and by descent to the present owners.
J. Smith, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch, Flemish and French Painters, III, London, 1831, p. 15, under no. 42, 'The original study for the preceding picture is in the collection of Sir Abraham Hume, Bart.'.
L. Cust, Anthony van Dyck. An historical study of his Life and Works, London, 1900, p. 246, no. 6, as Van Dyck, after his return from Italy.
G. Glück, 'Ein unveröffentlichtes Altargemälde van Dycks', Pantheon, III, March 1929, pp. 125; reprinted in G. Glück, Rubens, Van Dyck und ihr Kreis, Vienna 1933, pp. 315-317, fig. 173, as 'Van Dyck'.
G. Glück, Klassiker der Kunst: Van Dyck, New York, 1931, pp. 256 above, 546, as 'Van Dyck'.
H. Vey, 'Anton Van Dyck's Ölskizzen', Bulletin, Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, V, 1-4, 1956, pp. 181 and 205, note 27, as 'Kopie'.
E. Larsen, The Paintings of Anthony van Dyck, I, Freren, 1988, p. 267, fig. 243; II, p. 277, no. 686, as 'Van Dyck', executed circa 1626-1628.
M. Jaffé, 'Van Dyck's Sketches for the Hamburg "Adoration of the Shepherds"', Pantheon, LIII, 1995, pp. 87-93, pl. I, as 'Van Dyck'.
S. Barnes et al., Van Dyck: A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings, p. 248, under no. III.3.
L. Cust, Anthony van Dyck. An historical study of his Life and Works, London, 1900, p. 246, no. 6, as Van Dyck, after his return from Italy.
G. Glück, 'Ein unveröffentlichtes Altargemälde van Dycks', Pantheon, III, March 1929, pp. 125; reprinted in G. Glück, Rubens, Van Dyck und ihr Kreis, Vienna 1933, pp. 315-317, fig. 173, as 'Van Dyck'.
G. Glück, Klassiker der Kunst: Van Dyck, New York, 1931, pp. 256 above, 546, as 'Van Dyck'.
H. Vey, 'Anton Van Dyck's Ölskizzen', Bulletin, Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts, V, 1-4, 1956, pp. 181 and 205, note 27, as 'Kopie'.
E. Larsen, The Paintings of Anthony van Dyck, I, Freren, 1988, p. 267, fig. 243; II, p. 277, no. 686, as 'Van Dyck', executed circa 1626-1628.
M. Jaffé, 'Van Dyck's Sketches for the Hamburg "Adoration of the Shepherds"', Pantheon, LIII, 1995, pp. 87-93, pl. I, as 'Van Dyck'.
S. Barnes et al., Van Dyck: A Complete Catalogue of the Paintings, p. 248, under no. III.3.
London, British Institution, 1838, as 'Van Dyck'.
London, Royal Academy, Exhibition of Works by the Old Masters and by Deceased Masters of the British School, Winter 1893, no. 76, as 'Van Dyck'.
London, Royal Academy, Exhibition of Works by the Old Masters and by Deceased Masters of the British School, Winter 1893, no. 76, as 'Van Dyck'.

Jonquil O’Reilly
Vice President, Specialist, Head of Sale