"With the early powder pieces, one of the things I was trying to do was to arrive at something which was as if unmade, as if self-manifested, as if there by its own volition. (...) I was much more concerned with the way the objects gave out light; they seem to be a source of light. (...) 1000 Names implies that the objects are part of a much bigger whole. The objects seem to be coming out of the ground or the wall, the powder defining a surface, implying that there is something below the surface, like an iceberg poking out of the subconscious."
(A. Kapoor in interview with C. Lewallen, reproduced in "Anish Kapoor", in View, VII no. 4, San Francisco 1991).
(A. Kapoor in interview with C. Lewallen, reproduced in "Anish Kapoor", in View, VII no. 4, San Francisco 1991).