Sold with a dendrochronology analysis, John Topham, Redhill, February 2, 2009
The dendrochronology analysis by John Topham concludes that the youngest ring on the bass side dates to 1796 and on the treble side to 1794. In his Discussion on page 3 of the analysis he writes that there is strong evidence that the wood used on the violin was sourced in the Panneveggio region of Northern Italy or nearby in the southern Dolomites.
The dendrochronology analysis by John Topham concludes that the youngest ring on the bass side dates to 1796 and on the treble side to 1794. In his Discussion on page 3 of the analysis he writes that there is strong evidence that the wood used on the violin was sourced in the Panneveggio region of Northern Italy or nearby in the southern Dolomites.