白羊頭 9
輪胎 鋼 木 合成樹脂 雕塑
簽名:J Y H

作為《突變體》系列的一部份,池龍虎的《公羊頭9》(Lot 1020) 反映了作者對轉變與突變議題的探討。池龍虎將廢棄的二手輪胎,重新塑成各種看起來逼真又虛幻的生物形體,藉此讓輪胎「重生」。而每個輪胎所經過的故事皆有不同而在表面上形成了獨特的肌理變化,池龍虎把這些特殊的肌理痕跡移入他的創作中,透過永久保留它們作為美感形式上的體現,也透過針對現今社會快速的步調做出個人的陳述。在池龍虎的創作概念中,強烈的指出人類在演進歷史中不斷努力成為萬物之首的目標下,人類在這樣盲目追求的進步中,究竟能會為人們的精神與環境上帶來什麼樣的後果與優勢?

從《梵谷》青銅雕塑 (Lot 1021),我們又可看到池龍虎藝術創作的多元化 (Lot 1021)。青銅半身像巍然聳立,使人回想到十九世紀雕刻家奧古斯特羅丹的作品,與巧奪天工的輪胎橡膠動物一併之下,無論在主題、物料與藝術實踐上,皆形成強烈對比。此雕塑的形式是古典的,整體方向卻是現代的,頌揚著個人主義、個性與物質性,含有豐富的寫實主義意味。



A part of Mutant Series, Ji Yong Ho's Ram Head 9 (Lot 1020) reflects the artist's investigation of the issue of change and mutation. Ji employs used tires and grants them "rebirth" through sculpting them into creatures that appear both natural and fantastical. As every tire attains a unique story from the roads it has traveled, Ji literally migrates those stories into his creations, not only by preserving them forever in aesthetic form, but also by making a poignant statement about the pace of modern society. Under this rapid momentum, Ji ponders how the modern human being continuously strives to reign above all creatures, and questions what consequences this blind pursuit for constant advancement will bring upon our psyche and the environment.

Ji's artistic diversity is evident in his bronze sculpture of Van Gogh (Lot 1021). Reminiscent of the works of 19th century sculptor Auguste Rodin, this bronze bust stands in sharp contrast to the magnificently elaborated tire rubber animals in terms of subject matter, material and execution of the art work. Though a classical form of sculpture, Ji's overall approach toward the bust is a modern one, bestowing upon it a great sense of realism while celebrating individualism, character and physicality.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
