信徒 — 菩薩
金屬亮片 雕塑
佳士得香港 2006年5月28日 編號 416


以黑色的現成品緊緊包裹著的佛像賦予《信徒—菩薩》(Lot 1029)一個重要的外在形象,加強其雕像的本質;然而,表面散發的亮光,卻為其陰暗面帶來緩和的作用。引用杜象對現成品的美學觀點:「接觸物件時,應當抱著漠不關心的態度,如同沒有美感好惡。對現成品的選擇永遠取決於不引人注目的;同時,完全抹掉愛憎品味。盧尚均過於把自己甩在美學訴求和創作慣例的背後,他以閃爍誇張的庸俗媒介、世俗的肖像輪廓來強調雕刻的重要概念。那些圓圈的繩子滿足了盧的思想,透過重複的沈思來增強視覺效果,因此,在佛像身上加諸瑣碎的物件如石頭,有利形成水中起浪的啟蒙作用;就如石頭的精緻外形置於光線躍動的流線外表下,為佛像產生閃閃生輝的明亮和色彩。觀者在欣賞盧尚均的作品時,隨著光線及方向走動,會體驗到不同顏色的粼光反射。反射出佛像的才智如《look within, thou art Buddha》,又如我們從他身上照出一己之容貌,對他驚世的存在感到祥和,驅使我們進入涅槃的國度,獲得教化啟蒙,限制自我意識,走向成佛之路。

Christie's Hong Kong, 28 May, 2006 Lot 416
Acquired from the above by the present owner



Inspiration from fish and his childhood experiences with them led Noh to employ sequins as his main artistic medium in exploring the spiritual dimension. The luster of the fishes' scales as it moves through the water suggests the spiritual light of heaven. Noh projects his feeling for fish into his works through the luster of sequins, the shimmering tones of light, color and depth pulling viewers in and out different visual experiences and recreating a moment of transcendence. The black tight enveloping of ready made object of a plastic Buddha may bestow a weighty outlook to For the Worshippers-Bodhisattva (Lot 1029), intensifying its statuesque, however with the light that polish over its textured surface, bring a shade of nimble buoyancy to it. Committing to Duchamp's aesthetic theory of ready-mades, 'You must approach a thing with indifference, as if you have no esthetic emotion. The choice of ready-mades is always based on visual indifference and, at the same time, on the complete absence of good or bad taste', Noh too distanced himself from aesthetic appeal and conventional modes of paintings to stress the conceptual significance of his sculptures by selecting mundane iconic silhouettes with kitsch like glitzy medium. These strings of minute circles flatter Noh's concept, fortifying its visual power through meditative repetitiveness, thus, imposing the Buddhist enlightenment on the trivial existence of a tiny stone that strengthens to make numerous waves on the water; like the tiny stone, these microscopic shapes recur in streams of glistening painterly lines, creating shifting waves of illumination and color. As his work documents the viewers' movements and expressions, their shadows and reflections play across the inlay of sequins on its surface, gleaming Buddha's wisdom 'Look within, thou art Buddha'. Comforted by his sacred presence, where we can self reflect on Buddha's skin, we are aspiring to reach a state of nirvana, attaining enlightenment, realizing the limitation of selfhood and becoming one with Buddha.

A significant point in Noh's artistic development, the advent of exploring not only the dimensionality of religion, but also the modern day issues of consumption and pop culture and how it distorts the sanctity and significance of religion is adeptly patterned in monotone shimmer through vulgar and cheap, modern and decorative quality of sequins. While lessening the distance between viewer and this traditional religious icon, he also challenges our understanding towards what constitutes the sacred and the profane.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
