木雕 雕塑 油彩
2008年8月1日-10月7日「前原冬樹 — 木雕」小布施博物館及中島千波館 長野 日本
2008年《前原冬樹 — 木雕展覽》小布施博物館和中島千波館 長野 日本 (圖版,第28頁)

《一刻 (瓷磚上的杮)》(Lot 1034) 以及《一刻 (瓷磚上的蟹與錶)》(Lot 1035) 都是一體造成的手工木雕作品,完全沒有任何黏接部分。前原冬樹以巧妙手法運用油彩,刻意留下瑕疪的真實質感,塑造不完美但卻高度寫實的木雕。兩座雕塑中的瓷磚都有缺角與裂痕,褪淡的色彩與累積的塵土令人誤認作品年代已久。停止轉動的發霉手錶、破舊的瓷磚、熟透的水果,在簡單而生動的表現手法下,展露出意料之外的美感。這些作品象徵的是日本美學風格,脆弱中隱含力量,層次質感下訴說著諸多故事。前原冬樹以類似詩詞與盆栽藝術方式,讓時間停駐在螃蟹爬走與杮子乾萎之前,留下對過往的反思與美好回憶。作品中呈現的生命特色,與我們認知的木塊、老舊的手錶以及成熟的杮子形成對比,誘導賞畫者重新思考雕塑藝術以及如何靜心感受那看似平淡無奇的生活。
Fuyuki Maehara- Wooden Sculpture, exh.cat., Nagano, The Obuse Museum & The Nakajima Chinami Gallery,Japan, 2008 (illustrated, p.28).
Nagano, Japan, The Obuse Museum & The Nakajima Chinami Gallery, Fuyuki Maehara- Wooden Sculpture, 1 August-7 October, 2008.



Fuyuki Maehara's sculptures possess a poeticism that the artist himself finds akin to a haiku poem; condensed, succinct yet meticulous. Encapsulating an interpretation of daily events of his life, Maehara recreates these moments through the delicate and highly arduous craft of woodwork. He is self described as an artist who finds beauty in the most ordinary scenes and environments, in overlooked corners and often, in moments the greater majority describes as vexatious. Maehara respects even the smallest objects as he believes that all matter has an existing will to live despite its acknowledged eventual fatality. This profound notion elicits an admiration that inspires Maehara not only to re-create this strength to live in painstaking detail but also to prove to himself that he possesses the technicality and diligence to breathe life into a mere piece of wood, a task successfully and perfected in these two presented works.

The entirety of One moment - (Persimmon on Tile) (Lot 1034) and One moment-(Crabs and Watch on Tile) (Lot 1035), is miraculously carved from one single piece of wood, completely not adhesed or broken into smaller components. They are hyper realistic wooden carvings which are subsequently intricately painted with oil paint to further reveal the true texture of his subjects, purposefully marred to mirror reality and not an ideal state of existence. In both pieces, the tiles are chipped and cracked, deceivingly painted to show age with discoloration and accumulated dirt. The unwound molding watch, damaged tile or ripe piece of fruit is surprisingly beautiful in its simple yet eloquent presentation. The aesthetic they represent is complex and distinct in its Japanese flavour; a balance of the fragile and strong, and of a multitude of textures and stories. Reminiscent of a poem or a bonsai tree, Maehara effectively captures recollections and fond memories through the presence of time in his pieces, freezing them in a concrete yet ephemeral instant before the small crabs scurry away or the time sensitive persimmon begins to perish. These elements of his sculptures possess vitality contrary to our understanding of wood as a medium and of the aged watch and fruit, captivating the viewer to reconsider the art of carving in addition to our daily appreciation for the seemingly mundane.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
