壓克力 畫布
簽名:Key Hiraga
日本 文京藝術
2005年「人間像 愛和諧謔展」文京藝術 東京 日本

檢視平賀敬畫作中不同場景時,會讓人聯想到所謂「咆哮的20年代」,以及奧托狄克斯的達達派畫作《玩紙牌的人》(The Skat Players)。不斷重複但仔細調配的非典型色彩、形狀和比例,創造出獨特且複雜的構圖,同時滿溢著微小且精巧的細節。雖然《室内風景》(Lot 1043) 中的四幅景象以一個灰色十字框隔開,但各種身體部位如手臂、腿、軀幹和一個巨大的彩虹舌頭仍穿越此灰色四格框,讓畫面保持彼此相連。這幅作品包含的超現實主義元素,再次展現多種歐洲藝術運動對這位藝術家造成的影響。
乍看之下,平賀敬的《H氏的優雅生活》(Lot 1044) 讓人想起日本傳統民間故事中的鬼怪,但後方女人雙腿上的亮粉紅色口紅印,以及鬼怪幽默且荒謬的外型,賦予畫中景象現代色彩,彰顯出平賀敬持續不斷在日本傳統和現代西方繪畫技巧中取得平衡。平賀敬的作品也表達出日本戰後藝術家從當地藝術環境出走,並擁抱源自國際畫壇的藝術形式的風潮。然而另一方面,19世紀日本繪畫朝氣蓬勃的鮮豔色彩,以及日本50和60年代的前衛藝術,其中包括深具影響力的「具體美術協會」團體,也可能是平賀敬的靈感來源之一。
Bunkyo Art, Japan
Tokyo, Japan, Bunkyo Art, Man's Image - Love and Humour, 2005.



Born in Tokyo in 1936, Hiraga divided his career between Japan and Europe. His oeuvre reflects the marriage of a contemporary palette with traditional Japanese techniques. The resulting works are exuberant compositions filled with challenging and colorful scenes of imaginary figures, luscious women and mysterious men. Exploring the relationship between the sexes and describing a world laced with erotic joie de vivre, his female protagonists wear extravagant furs, gaudy wigs and colorful stockings on their naked skin, while the men evoke images of a variant form of fictional characters such as Sherlock Holmes and late-nineteenth century British gentlemen.
The so-called 'Roaring Twenties' as well as the Dadaist work of Otto Dix's The Skat Players come to mind when examining the different scenes in Hiraga's works. A repetitive, yet carefully executed palette of non-representational colors, forms and proportions creates a unique and complex composition, overflowing with miniscule and elaborate details. While the four scenes in Scene of a Room (Lot 1043) are separated from one another by a grey cross structure, they remain connected through the continuation of various body parts such as arms, legs, torso and a giant rainbow tongue into the proximate grey-rimmed square. Elements of Surrealism found in this work, show ones and again the influence of various European art movements on the artist.
At first, Hiraga's The Elegant Life of Mr. H (Lot 1044) brings to mind folk creatures from traditional Japanese stories, but the bright-pink lipstick kiss marks placed on the female legs in the back as well as the creature's humorously ridiculed appearance put the scene into a modern context, emphasizing Hiraga's ongoing balancing act between his Japanese heritage and modern Western painting techniques. The trend in postwar Japan of moving away from local artistic developments and embracing art forms derived from the international scene finds expression in Hiraga's works. On the other hand, however, the colorful exuberance found in Japanese paintings of the 19th century, as well as,Japan's artistic avant garde of the 50's and 60's, which includes the influential Gutai group, may also have been a source of inspiration for Hiraga.
Throughout his career, Hiraga's work has been exhibited extensively throughout Europe and Japan. In 2000, shortly before his death, the Hiraga Key Museum was established near his home in Hakone Yumote in honour of his fascinating artistic life.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
