壓克力 畫布
簽名: 2006 Aya Takano
巴黎 Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin
2006年 9月24日- 12月31日「青島千穗、Mr.及高野綾」當代藝術博物館 里昂 法國
2006年《青島千穗、Mr.及高野綾》當代藝術博物館 里昂 法國 (圖版,第176-177頁)

先把性意味擱到一旁,看到的是高野綾以稀釋的不透明水彩與塑膠彩為主要媒材,強化著具官能刺激的簡約,結合了兒童畫的稚嫩與大師的超凡技藝。淡彩造像乾淨靈巧,繪出蜜桃肌膚、櫻紅朱唇與閃爍的杏仁眼睛。高野綾作為村上隆「超級扁平」運動與藝術工廠Kaikai Kiki(怪怪奇奇)公司旗下的藝術家,她的作品是戰後日本文化富裕的絕佳例子,變化多端得令人嘆為觀止,又不失為新與舊的美學一統。她從日本傳統色慾藝術中的浮世繪與春畫開採靈感,此兩類日式繪畫與圖案都大大影響到現代漫畫的發展,於《婀娜多姿的素食者》中亦清晰可見。自江戶時代,春畫的敘述開始脫離故事形式,成為一些無關聯的性愛場面。而浮世繪則可說是「虛浮世界的圖畫」,敘述了凡人生活裡那些高漲、瞬逝的愉悅,並喜以長茄子或磨菇作隱喻。和服也是常見的主題,配以染成深紫藍色的糾纏不清的髮髻,高貴地反映了時下日本從「蘿莉塔情結」演譯出來的「蘿莉控」。高野綾的腦袋可從意大利文藝復興跑到外太空未來世界,於形態裡帶出一種只有在夢境才會出現的二元聯想。她把觀眾引領到日本妖姬的詩意地下世界,美麗、抑制而富啟示性,將我們的想法與無法言喻的感受剖切開來。不得不留意的是,在《婀娜多姿的素食者》(Lot 1046)中,高野綾是因她那無拘無束的想像與惹人喜愛的世界而深得人心,而那正是幻想與現實交錯的地方。色彩互滲難分難解,在那水乳交融的世界,無知與青春的分野已經矇矓。
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris
Acquired from the above by the present owner
Chiho Aoshima, Mr. & Aya Takano, exh. cat., Musee d'Art Contemporain de Lyon, Lyon, France, 2006 (illustrated, pp. 176-177).
Lyon, France, Musee d'Art Contemporain de Lyon, Chiho Aoshima, Mr. & Aya Takano, 24 September - 31 December, 2006.



Sexual overtones aside, Aya Takano's use of diluted gouache and acrylic paint as principal medium reinforces the sensual simplicity of her images which combine the fragility of a child's drawing and the virtuosity of the remarkable drawer she is. Neatly stylized pastels make way for fleshy peach tones, cherry pursed lips, and almond glazed eyes. As an artist associated with Takashi Murakami's coined term Superflat, and artist factory group KaiKai Kiki, Takano's work is the exemplification of Japan's post-war cultural affluence, and its overwhelmingly diverse, yet aesthetic unification of old and new. Her work finds inspiration in the ukiyo-e and shunga Japanese erotic art traditions. Both genres of Japanese painting and prints have influenced the development of modern manga greatly, and can clearly be seen in Takano's The Vegetarian with the Fascinating Shape (Lot 1046). During the Edo period, shunga depictions left the story format and began to be presented as unrelated erotic scenes. Production of ukiyo-e, or "pictures of the floating world" depicting buoyant, fleeting pleasures of the common people included suggestive metaphors such as long eggplants or mushrooms. The kimono motif is prevalent, with bound beehive hair stained a deep indigo violet shade, elegantly reflecting the current Japanese transliteration of the Lolita complex, called Lolicon. Takano's inspirations vary from Italian renaissance, to outer-space futuristic worlds, with a dichotomy reminiscent of shapes only dreams can take. Beautiful, subdued and inspired, Takano invites the viewer into a poetic underworld of Japanese doe-eyed beauties traversing our thoughts and unspoken feelings. Notably in The Vegetarian with the Fascinating Shape, Aya Takano is embraced for her free flowing imagination and endearing world, where fantasy meets reality. Paints seep into one another, in a watery world where the distinction between innocence and youth are blurred.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
