油畫 鉛筆 銀尖筆 和紙 裱於木板
簽名: atsushi suwa


《無題》(Lot 1053) 中的女性斜躺著,緊繃而保守的軀體姿態與溫柔感性的表情形成強烈的感情予盾,深刻的表現唯有完全進入其內心深處才能做到。畫中的她栩栩如生,肌膚線條及烏黑髮絲清晰可見,但身體的淡冷色調卻毫無生機,彷彿她正在徘徊於生死之間,時而飄浮,時而墜地。諏訪敦露骨地描繪她的每一個細微部位,她那寧靜的神色陰森而美麗,散發誘人的神秘氣息,令賞畫者真想一探究竟。
Please note that this lot also bears the artist's signature mark on the lower right corner.



Approaching his subjects with a strong sense of perspective and modern realism, Suwa opposes the general definition of objective perception in achieving realism and believes probing further into bodily experiences and personal connections with his subjects for a truer style in his works. There are multiple styles within realism, but ultimately, Suwa believes that through probing perception of his subjects, he can reveal an innermost truth unachieved in objective painting. Suwa's exceptional depiction of the human form is achieved by his attentive interaction with the subjects, scrutinizing each body part with conscientious diligence consequently building an appreciation of his subjects reflected in his precise calculation of each depiction, unveiling his acute vision and comprehension of his figures as physical entities and psychological subjects. Suwa is committed to grasping his figure's individual stories, intensity emphasized by silent deep blue-grey tones he utilizes, generating deep blue insomnia.

Lying in a reclined position, the woman in Untitled (Lot 1053) conveys paradoxical emotions in her tense stoic body and soft glowing face, only achievable with a comprehension of the emotional core within her body. The minute detailing of her skin's texture and wispy black hair conveys a live woman yet the cold undertones of her body suggests otherwise, as if she were straddling being alive and not, grounded or levitating. She is eerie yet beautiful in her serenity, a fascinating mystery which the viewer wishes to solve as Suwa blatantly accomplishes in the precise rendition of his subject.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
