Several pieces with the same arms, the identity of which is currently unknown, have survived and are presumably from the same service. A ewer of similar form to this vase was formerly in the von Pannwitz Collection, Munich, sale Helbing, 24 and 25 October 1905, lot 261. A globular jug with the intials S F and the date 1559 is illustrated by Carola Ficco and Gabriella Gheradi, Ceramiche Umbre dal Medioevo allo Storicismo Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza Exhibition Catalogue (Faenza, 1988), Vol. I, cat. no. 210. A dish from the same service in the Wallace Collection, London is illustrated by A.V.B. Normam, Wallace Collection Catalogue of Ceramics I, Pottery, Maiolica, Faience, Stoneware (London, 1976), p. 86, cat. no. C34.