水彩 韓紙


在《聆聽春天》(Lot 1599)與《冬日行旅》(Lot 1600)中,崔令杰凝住了每個秋冬之極致,讚頌四時之變化。《聆聽春天》裡那涼風下嘯嘯作響的黃葉雖然看來虛弱易碎,一絲溫暖的甜美香氣卻縈繞在落霞未散的色暈中,我們可隱隱感覺到秋日的蕭瑟與感性之美。在《冬日行旅》中他又施展了另一套技巧,高貴地利用畫布上的空白,令無色而有形地存在著的冰雪於白皚皚中更見突出。兩幅畫作分別地把兩個季節說不出的靈氣包裹起來,把握住滲透在秋天的乾爽與冬日的濕冷之間的大氣之美,它們強烈地刺激著我們的知覺神經,令人傾倒。崔令杰又把季節裡的感傷以濃重的印象派筆觸流露出來,要是沒有靈巧細緻的技藝是決不能籍水彩這媒材做到的。



Felix Yip
Felix Yip




Whether silently exuding a cold stillness or a warm tranquility, Choi Yeong Geol's landscape oozes a dignified purpose to humbly capture the mesmerizing beauty of God's nature. Comprehending that the power and the essence of nature cannot be depicted in aesthetic equivalence to the mere divinity of the nature's truth and existence itself, Choi still aspires to discipline his religious faith through his diligent efforts of conscientious brushstrokes to depict a landscape that share the same benign, comfortable aura of Mother Nature.

Rejoicing in the transition of the seasons, Choi captures the aesthetic pinnacle of each spring and winter in Listen to Spring (Lot 1599) and Winter Hiking (Lot 1600). Though the whistling yellow leaves appear delicate and brittle against the spring wind in Listen to Spring, the sweet scent of warmth still lingers in the cozy hues of a sunset, where the fragile and sensitive beauty of spring can be felt. However, Winter Hiking poses a different technique with Choi's elegant use of empty space to further highlight the colorless yet tangible existence of snow in pure white. Admirably effective in honing our sensory nerves, both paintings encapsulate the tacit aura of these two seasons, grasping their atmospheric beauty of sweet air of spring and the wet coolness of winter. Choi's sentimentality is applied with dense, impressionistic brushstrokes; a technical trait that watercolor can execute, but only when tended with dexterity.

The focus, poise and faith needed in utilizing an inflexible medium such as watercolour reveals its apt compatibility with Choi's belief that serves as a concrete base in generating immaculate sceneries; his every stroke is applied without regret and with faith, as each creative decision resides permanently on his canvas. Nature for the artist is not merely a still life but, through self purification and religious reverence, a means of disciplining religious faith. Since nature is a mirror of the self and a world of meditation which gives life, restoring all things to their proper and original state, Choi believes that to revive the nature's landscape is an act of religious summon and blessing.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
