神話.遺失的皇朝 Form C 1983-7
水墨 紙本 (共四件)
中國 香港 漢雅軒
1997年5月3-30日「谷文達—神話.遺失的王朝 1984-1987」漢雅軒 台北 台灣
1997年7月5-25日「谷文達—神話.遺失的王朝 1984-1987」漢雅軒 香港 中國

中國當代藝術先鋒谷文達於 85藝術新潮期間探索中國書法的新表現方式,先把中國文字拆解,重新組合的書法脫胎換骨,變成一幅幅表現主義的畫作。古代中國象形文字本身就是對物像抽象化、線條化的表現。經歷數千年變化,中國文字經過不斷的簡化。而中國書法就是通過書法家主觀的線條的表現再現文字,因此,中國書法具強烈的抽象形式及表現主義,更傳承了中國文化。谷文達穿梭古今,創作出獨特的藝術語言;他同時保留了書法在表現情感的特質以及水墨的美感,觸及了傳統中國水墨畫的核心。此外,他更重拾了早已被世人遺忘五十多年的表意文字的傳統。

谷文達影響深遠的《遺失王朝的神話系列》(Lot 1627)創作於八十年代中期,展示出藝術家在傳統與現代的探索中所得到的核心元素。谷文達在小時候,曾經被邀請創作「毛澤東紅衛兵」的「大型人物」宣傳海報。谷氏將個人經歷升華至藝術手法的概念和哲學精髓之中。谷文達在 1986 年的首次個展中,展出了一系列招牌的大型水墨畫,畫中的文字刻意寫錯,無法辨識,若干評論家認為是對毛澤東年代濫用語言的反抗;中國的中央宣傳部因為懷疑其政治殺傷力,且無法瞭解谷文達虛構式的文字,並未允許畫展開幕。在此系列創作於1983年的作品中,谷文達從他對古代篆書的研究中得到啟發,創作出富有撼人美感之餘卻令人無法解讀的作品。正是這種隱喻令谷文達的作品令人感到非常激進:中國源遠流長的語言文字發展史,文化傳承的載體,其實是毫無價值亦沒帶有任何意義的。儘管這看來好像是在向傳統致敬,谷文達徹底地將內容、語言和意義分開,以出人意表的形象揭露背後複雜的訊息。
Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong, China
Acquired from the above by the present owner in 1997
Taipei, Taiwan, Hanart (Taipei) Gallery, Gu Wenda-The Mythos of Lost Dynasties 1984-1997, 3-30 May, 1997.
Hong Kong, China, Hanart TZ Gallery, Gu Wenda -The Mythos of Lost Dynasties, 5-25 July, 1997.


Felix Yip
Felix Yip




An eminent pioneer in Chinese Contemporary art, Gu Wenda remains unrivalled in his time. He began working with Chinese calligraphy during the '85 New Wave, transforming calligraphy into huge expressionist paintings by first breaking apart, then reassembling Chinese words. On one level, calligraphy has an abstract form and expressive structure; on a second and deeper level, the Chinese language is the bearer of Chinese culture itself. Gu combines these two aspects of the language and creates his very own, unique artistic language. By keeping the expressive strength of calligraphy and maintaining the beauty of ink, he touches upon the very core of traditional Chinese ink painting. Further, he goes back to the tradition of the ideogram, which had been forgotten for almost fifty years.

Gu's seminal Mythos of Lost Dynasties - Form C 1983-7 (Lot 1627) series from the mid-1980s displays the core elements of his experimentations in tradition, modernity, and an elevation of a personal experience to the conceptual and philosophical core of his art practice. As a child, Gu was hired to create "big character" propaganda posters for Mao's Red Guard. At his first solo exhibition in China in 1986, Gu displayed a series of his trademark huge ink paintings but with deliberate, unintelligible mis-writing, which was seen by some critics as a rebellious gesture against the manipulative use of language during the Maoist era. Suspecting political sabotage, and frustrated by their inability to understand Gu's imaginary writing, the Chinese propaganda department closed his show before it opened. In this series of works painted from 1983 to 1987, Gu draws from his own study of archaic seal scripts to produce aesthetically compelling but in fact thoroughly undecipherable images. This was the core metaphor that made his works so radical: that the long history of Chinese language and writing, the vehicle for the transmission of culture itself, was in fact meaningless and no longer held any meaning. Despite their apparent homage to tradition, Gu has radically separated content, language, and meaning, to reveal complex messages in unexpected forms.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
