油彩 畫布

自1983年,艾軒的創作概念由關注農村人民生活,轉到遙遠的西藏高原,白茫茫的雪景,寂靜的房子,西藏純真的小孩、少女成為了藝術家表現內心世界的主題。《西藏女孩》(Lot 1301)中,身穿傳統西藏棉襖的女孩置身在白茫茫的雪地,冰冷的雪地上了無人煙,虛空的感覺伴隨而生,時間好像被凝住了。艾軒把隻身站在雪地小女孩,置在畫中心,佔據了畫面大部份的空間,以熟練的寫實技巧,細膩的筆觸集中描繪女孩的表情。無辜的眼神,與世無爭的表情與一般天真活潑的小孩形象成強烈的對比,令觀者由衷地產生了一種同理心,思考這小女孩究竟在想什麼?艾軒成功地把觀眾帶進畫中,從本身的自我跳進另一個個體身上,感受那種寂寥、虛無、純樸、神秘的心情。
《空寂的小屋》(Lot 1302)中,有別於一望無際的戶外雪地空間,艾軒描繪西藏少女在高原上的小屋中。藝術家別有用心為房子留下一扇窗戶,穿過窗戶就是茫茫的雪地。高原上稀薄、寒冷的空氣一接觸到玻璃,屋內與屋外的溫差,使雪霜、水點沾滿在玻璃上。艾軒筆下濛濛的玻璃窗,把當下的氛圍,藉由寫實的視覺效果,引導觀象的觸覺進入畫中。艾軒捕捉少女向後回望的一刻,描繪她像是在沒有準備下,遇上了陌生人,半帶猶豫,半帶驚奇的眼神,彷彿竭力隱藏她內心的感受。艾軒描繪少女的大半側,營造觀者與少女的距離,觀者就像那企圖闖進少女內心世界的人。艾軒把個人濃厚感情的傾注在畫作中,透過對物像寫實的描繪、細緻的筆觸、嚴謹的人物造型,呈現人們內心神秘、飄忽的情感世界,牽動每位觀者的心。



Since 1983, Ai Xuan's creative concept has shifted from depicting peasant life to the remote Tibetan Highlands. The misty snow scenes, sequestered cottages, and the innocent faces of the girls become the subjects for expressing the artist's inner world. In Tibetan Girl (Lot 1301), the petite lady in traditional Tibetan cotton-quilted jacket stands alone in the misty white snowfield, beyond which there is nothing but an icy field where time seems to have frozen still. Prominently placed in the center of the painting, the features and the facial expression of the girl are rendered naturalistically with refined brushstrokes. Her sorrowful eyes and aloof expression is a stark contrast to the images of happy children that we are accustomed to seeing and thus evokes a profound empathy of the viewer. Ai successfully captivates the viewer to imagine the mood of solitude, simplicity and mystery encapsulating the girl.

Ai's Girl in Cottage Window (Lot 1302) depicts a Tibetan girl in a small cottage deep within the Highlands. The artist contrives only a window through which you can see the snowcapped landscape. The icy and frosty window is masterfully captured under Ai's brush and creates an atmospheric ambience to the painting. Ai captures the moment when the girl turns to glance and her seemingly unexpectedness of running into a stranger. Her partly hesitant and surprised expression demonstrates a desire to suppress her real emotions. Ai portrays the girl in a three-quarter profile to accentuate the distance between her and the viewers, whereby they feel like an intruder to the girl's inner world. By means of naturalistic depiction, exquisite brushwork and meticulously rendered forms, Ai fills his works with passionate sentiments that reflect his subject's complex emotions.

更多來自 中國二十世紀藝術 日間拍賣
