油彩 畫布
簽名:衍寧 Chen Yanning

1994年10月30日 佳士得香港 編號 41

1997年《陳衍寧畫集》大業公司 香港 中國 (圖版,第115圖,第271頁)
2002年《陳衍寧作品油畫集》香港心源美術出版社 香港 中國 (圖版,第35圖,無頁數)

陳衍寧在毛澤東時期曾繪畫《毛主席視察廣東農村》(1972年),80年代改革開放後,陳氏開始創作生活化的主題,表現藝術家個人的思想情感。陳衍寧高超的寫實技巧是無容置疑的,陳氏善於分析人物面部表情,繼而把握人的心理狀況,描繪反映人物精神個性的肖像作品。他曾為多個名人畫人像,1999年陳氏甚至為英女皇伊利沙百二世繪畫肖像。自1986年,陳氏赴美學習,並集中開展其人像畫的創作。陳衍寧善於運用光線的對比、獨特的構圖、互相映襯的主題細節,創作出富有詩意又打動人心的作品。《睡蓮》(Lot 1303),藝術家以荷塘為背景,兩位坐在旁邊,穿上中國旗袍的女士巧妙與荷花相映襯,突顯了女士出於污泥而不染,超凡脫俗的氣質。陳衍寧以精湛的技術畫出主角漂亮、細緻的臉孔,修長的身體,就連絲綢旗袍光滑柔順的質感、石頭粗獷的質感也以油彩呈現,迫真得彷如把觀眾攝進畫作中。

作於1999年的《對影》(Lot 1304),陳衍寧除了延續其高超動人的寫實技巧。陳氏相信寫實油畫能夠帶給人強烈的視覺感受,透過觀眾對實物的認知,進行想像,牽動人內心效果。《對影》除了表現了女性的美感,同時以女性人體和中國傳統旗袍作了一個對話,從畫作中央的鏡的倒影,觀眾可以看到兩名女子裸露的背部,身體正面以絲綢旗袍覆蓋。這樣的形象有別於陳氏筆下身穿旗袍,雍容華貴的女士。究竟是旗袍讓女士變得高貴,婀娜多姿,還是女性本身的氣質從外而發,感染到身邊的人。陳衍寧利用鏡子的倒映,造成層層疊疊的影像,特別的構圖,流暢的線條,自然的光線,創作出一幅既富詩意又提出哲理問題的作品。80年代的中國,寫實並非是唯一的藝術創作方向,可是藝術家們仍然選擇了這必須經過嚴謹訓練,重覆練習的寫實油畫之路。因為他們的創作真實感人,充滿濃厚生活氣息和人文的本質,為現代中國寫實油畫綻放異彩。
Christie's Hong Kong, 30 October 1994, Lot 41
Acquired from the above by the present owner
Tai Yip Company, Chen Yan Ning: The Selected Oil Paintings, Hong Kong, China, 1997 (illustrated, plate 115, p. 271).
Inspiration Art Press, The Works of Chen Yan Ning, Hong Kong, China, 2002 (illustrated, plate 35, unpaged).



Chen Yanning painted Chairman Mao Inspects the Guangdong Countryside in 1972 during a time when artistic creation in China were in part for Mao Zedong's political campaign. Chen began to use painting as a mean of personal expression by portraying subjects based on daily life after China open its doors to welcome Western ideologies in the 1980s. Skilled at naturalistic depiction, he excelled at analyzing facial expressions, and successfully captured the psychological spirit and disposition of his subjects. He painted many famous figures, including a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II in 1999. Chen moved to the United States to study in 1986, to further develop his technical skills in figure painting and portraiture. Through his unique depiction of light and composition, the subjects are rendered in a poetically moving manner. In Water Lilies (Lot 1301), Chen intentionally places the two seated ladies wearing Chinese qipaos before a tranquil lotus pond, accentuating their elegant composure and expressing that their pure nature remains untainted by the ills of modern society. He adeptly articulates the delicate features of the women, the lustrous silk of their qipaos and the coarse textures of the rocks with his exceptional skills to depict a scene as convincing as if the viewer were able to stand right in front of the lotus pond to admire the beautiful scene himself.

Created in 1999, Imagery (Lot 1304) not only exhibits Chen's mastery in naturalistic rendition, but also captivates and invites the viewer into a visual space for imagination. Besides conveying the charms of feminine beauty, Imagery creates a dialogue between the nudes and the traditional Chinese qipao. While their bodies are covered by the silk qipaos when viewed from the front, we can in fact see the nude backs of two ladies from the reflection in the mirror. Through this imagery, Chen questions whether the charm and beauty of the ladies are derived from the elegant clothes, or are naturally exuded in spite of the gowns. Chen makes use of fluid lines, dramatic lighting, and overlapping layers of images in this intriguing composition that expresses his poetic vision. Realism was not the only artistic style prevalent in China in the 1980s; however, artists like Chen found naturalistically depicted imageries a direct and immediate way to convey his moving messages about the life and culture in modern China. Realism henceforth became the primary tool for Chen's artistic creation.

更多來自 中國二十世紀藝術 日間拍賣
