強化玻璃纖維 矽膠 雕塑

2008年10月9日-2009年1月18日「革命在繼續」Saatchi Gallery 倫敦 英國


在接著的幾年間,孫、彭二人創作過許多令人印象深刻的作品,作品曾展覽於2000年的第五屆里昂雙年展 、2001年橫濱國際當代藝術三年展、2005年的首屆廣州三年展及第五十一屆威尼斯雙年展中國館。隨著時間的推移,他們的創作手法亦有所變化,為觀眾帶來更多黑色幽默及衍生當中種種相關議題。2008年,倫敦Saatchi畫廊舉辦了「革命在繼續」,展出了孫彭二人兩件最受人青睞的裝置作品,並為該展覽製造了莫大驚喜和創下高潮。

《天使》(Lot 1570)為當時兩件裝置作品的其中一件。眼前這隻與人體尺寸相等,面朝地板的天使,以加成型矽凝膠及其他物料所造成。他的外觀與人類幾乎無異,但卻絲毫不帶那種非人間的、陰性的氣質,與常人普遍對天使的想像迥然不同。相對地,他具有粗糙的物料性,看上去蒼老、疲乏、褪色,而且那彷彿曾幾經華麗過的毛髮如今已頹然下垂,顯得蓬亂不堪。那半透明的、柔軟的長袍就在他膝部以上的位置徜著,想必是他摔了一跤,讓他那細長的雙腿準確無誤地透視出來。白袍上那過於豐富的肌理與他的雙膀形成強烈對比,不禁令人聯想到烹調後的雞翅,或者遠古侏羅紀時期的附屬物。

London, UK, The Saatchi Gallery, The Revolution Continues: New Chinese Art, 9 October 2008-18 January 2009.



With their sardonic humour, oblique metaphors, and fearlessly iconoclastic approach to genre, media, and subject matter, Sun Yuan and Peng Yu, a Beijing-based duo, have rapidly become the most closely watched artists in Chinese art. In the late 1990s, they took the Beijing art scene by storm with their underground performances and installations, confronting conventional moral codes and values, often employing blood, human and animal cadavers, exhibiting a fully antagonistic approach the viewer's presumed moral complacency.

Over the next several years, Sun and Peng's unforgettable works could be found in the 5th Lyon Biennale in 2000, Yokohama's 2001 International Triennial of Contemporary Art, the First Guangzhou Triennial in 2001, and in the China Pavilion at the 51st Venice Biennale in 2005. Over time their approach to viewership has softened, giving their audience greater access to their dark humour and the issues that compel them. Indeed, their two installations from the exhibition, The Revolution Continues, held in 2008 in London's Saatchi Galleries, were the most celebrated and surprising highlights of the show.

Angel (Lot 1570), featured here, was one of those two pieces. A life-size sculpture of what appears to be an angel, laying face-down on the exhibition room floor. Composed using advanced silicon gels and other materials, the figure appears nearly human, and exhibits none of the ethereal, feminized qualities of the "angels" of popular imagination. Instead he has a blunt, crude materiality. He is old. His features are tired and weathered. His somewhat elegant mane falls loose and unkempt. His supple diaphanous robe has collected above his knees, presumably from a fall, revealing an unflattering view of his spindly legs. The texture of his luxurious gown contrasts with his 'wings', which more resemble archaic Jurassic era appendages.

Sun and Peng's works have always begged questions of mortality. Here their seductive humour masks this continued interest while potentially expands it to broader philosophical issues as well. It is hard to say whether our fallen angel is passed out drunk, collapsed from exhaustion, or expelled from heaven, swatted from his otherworldly perch with all the elegance of squashed mosquito. His advanced age inevitably suggests that our guardian angels are perhaps not as vital as we might like. It is not clear as to whether or not we have abandoned them, or they have abandoned us, but the ramifications of his ineptitude suggests the artists' own critical view of a world so deranged that even the angels have expired.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
