瑪利亞 vs. 奧黛麗‧赫本
油彩 畫布

2009年5月21日-6月10日「金東囿」Leehwaik畫廊 首爾 韓國

2009年《金東囿》Leehwaik畫廊 首爾 韓國 (圖版,無頁數)

在《瑪利亞 vs. 奧黛麗‧赫本》一作中,金氏再一次透過他精巧的筆觸與創新的技巧表現了他的創意。與本次拍賣的另一幅畫作《瑪麗蓮.夢露vs. 瑪麗蓮.夢露》的表現手法一樣,《瑪利亞 vs. 奧黛麗‧赫本》一作的光暗在畫家的精心調控之下,於平面的畫面上產生了立體的動感。以宗教畫中常見的光環的金色色調繪製,這幅畫作雖由奧黛麗‧赫本的微縮肖像所構成,但在適當的距離觀看下,浮現的卻是令人崇敬的聖母瑪利亞 。這趣意盎然的安排,吸引觀者用不同的距離及角度觀畫,並令其反思對描繪對象的預想。

Leehwaik Gallery, Kim Dong Yoo, Seoul, Korea, 2009 (illustrated, unpaged).
Seoul, Korea, Leehwaik Gallery, Kim Dong Yoo, 21 May-10 June 2009.



In Maria vs. Audrey Hepburn (Lot 1572), Kim once again showcases his artistic ingenuity through impeccable brushwork and innovative technique. Following the same artistic approach as that of Marilyn Monroe vs. Marilyn Monroe (Lot 1030) offered in our Evening Sale, the structure of Maria vs. Audrey Hepburn is deliberately articulated in modulation to instigate activity in every form that this two-dimensional canvas can provide. Rendered in a gold tonal gradient echoing the halo surrounding religious iconography, this painting is composed of an assemblage of miniscule portraits of Audrey Hepburn, which when viewed with a proper distance, give rise to an awe-inspiring image of Maria. This playful construction induces the audience to physically shift their viewing distance and angle to fully capture the details and panorama of the painting, and at the same time challenges their stereotypical perceptions of the characters portrayed.

The choice of Maria and Audrey Hepburn for the painting is bewildering as one attempts to unravel any parallel between these two luminaries. Whether such choice is arbitrary or calculated, through this process of disorientation, the artist has successfully engaged viewers in an active discourse with his work and elicited a novel perspective on these excessively consumed images. The rapid growth of technology has spawned a vast collection of iconic images, which have so thoroughly saturated our lives through various media that an image of Maria or Audrey Hepburn no longer excites viewers but gets translated automatically into certain characteristics such as holiness and grace. By juxtaposing two previously unrelated figures in an innovative arrangement, Kim deconstructs this automatic association, liberating the figures from their mystified context to create a visual idiom for audience to decipher.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
