油彩 畫布
簽名:Vieux Wang 廣義

2006年《今日中國藝術家:王廣義 藝術與人民》
四川出版集團 四川 中國 (圖版,第60頁)
2007年《中國當代藝術家 第二集》呂澎主編 四川美術出版社 四川 中國 (圖版,第21頁)

王廣義著名的「大批判」(Lot 1578, Lot 1587 & Lot 1648) 系列,已成為過去數十年中國社會、文化和政治生治轉變的標誌。他以當代中國作為畫作的背景,展現出當資本消費主義和中國共產主義,這兩種對立的意識形態迎頭相撞時所製成的處境。但是,「政治波普」為議題的政治焦點作品模糊了王廣義解構性的關注,就是那頻頻出現,從根本而發的審美觀念。

中國在八十年代經歷了「新浪潮」藝術運動。藝術團體於全國各地湧現,他們信奉自己的一套藝術哲學,受到中國新自由政策的鼓舞,文化轉變也漫延開來,這些藝術家正好把它推演為重建和復興。作為北方藝術團體的領導者,王廣義提倡把疑問化為主要和普遍的構圖形式,相信這種做法可以提供一個非政治角度的視覺詞彙,推動當代文化前進。他的取向與社會主義現實保持了相當準確無誤的平行,但是王繞過其嚴厲的意識形態的手法,來揭示和榮耀中華民族的淳樸民風。1985年的《凝固的北方極地之二》(Lot 1576) 就是這個時期的寫照。地平線上那兩個人型的體格和綿羊的形狀是有意識的還原,他們粗獷的外表,意味著他們不再是輪廓分明和為政治宣傳的肌肉型農民,而是地球上簡單的存在。畫中蔚藍的天空、遼闊無垠的雪景進一步強調,他們不是革命英雄,而是尋常生活中的卑微英雄。

正當中國開始感受到全球資本消費模式的影響,王廣義也活躍於國際性展覽中,不滿的因子在他畫作中越見突出。這樣罕見的情況,可見於他在1995年創作的「紅色背景下的VISA」。王找到一個場地展出這一系列的油畫,重現1996年於德國展出歷史性的「中國!」的著名展覽。與繪有王簽名的共產紅色背景相對,藝術家畫出一個典型的犬隻繁殖的護照,又以極端的、公共團體的「簽證」字樣橫印在畫布中心 (Lot 1577)。這個典型的身份類別橫印於一堆草書構成的畫面上—出生地、姓名、性別—還有一堆箭咀意味著錯誤指示和混亂。某些人視為批判中國對本國公民流動所施加的限制,但事實上,更多的是來自於藝術家的經驗,他在外國政府機構所受的待遇和表達身為一個中國公民的不受尊重。換上一隻標準面貌的哈巴狗,王提出的不僅僅是一個被嘲諷的身份,更讓人聯想到在英國殖民佔領下那針對中國人的眾所周知的城市傳說,就是公園內張貼有「狗與中國人不准內進」的字句。

「大批判—星巴克」(Lot 1648) 優雅地體現了王廣義創作裡概念性的嚴肅和美學秩序。三人為著一個未知的原因面向觀眾前進,類似於那些經常於中國開動的人民革命運動,也是二十世紀於世界各地出現的無數的革命運動。但是他們的革命卻被無處不在的「星巴克」無情地、慢慢地破壞摧毀,反映了他們反對資本主義的入侵是徒勞的。

王廣義關注的不僅限於表面的資本主義與社會主義的對立,他牽涉到更大的範圍,就是中國成為全球的領導者,甚至是一個深受當代藝術家歡迎的棲息地。因此,王創作了好些反映自己藝術世界的作品。就像是次拍賣會的「藝術與力量」(Lot 1027),還有他於2003年創作的「佳士得」(Lot 1578) 也是源於這種動力。除此之外,其他作品如「博物館」或「博伊斯」,王廣義巧妙地展示中國當代藝術已經成為世界眾所周知的公共領域,它的構成有賴廣泛傳播而得到推廣和評價。


Sichuan Publishing Group, Chinese Artist of Today: Wang Guangyi - Art and People, Sichuan, China, 2006 (illustrated, p. 60).
Lu Peng (ed.), Chinese Contemporary Artist, volume 2, Sichuan Art Publishing House, Sichuan, China, 2007 (illustrated, p. 21).



Wang Guangyi's immediately recognizable Great Criticism (Lot 1578, Lot 1587 & Lot 1648) paintings have become iconic of the transformation shaping China's social, cultural, and political life in the last several decades. The circumstances of Wang's art are contemporary China - a landscape where two ideologically antithetical systems have collided head-on: consumer capitalism and Chinese communism. But the short-hand focus on political themes under the heading of "Political Pop" obscures the ways in which Wang's deconstructive concerns are also, and have always been, fundamentally aesthetic.

China in the 1980s experienced its "New Wave" art movement. Artists groups around the nation emerged, each espousing its own artistic philosophy, encouraged by China's new liberalization policies that a cultural transformation was underway and that they would be agents of its renewal and rebirth. As the leader of the Northern Artists Group, Wang advocated an interrogation into essential and universal compositional forms, believing that such an approach could provide a de-politicized visual vocabulary to move contemporary culture forward. His approach maintained certain unmistakable parallels with the Socialist Realist ethos, but Wang sought to circumvent its heavy-handed ideology-laden practices to reveal and honor the unadulterated resilience of the Chinese people. North Pole Amalgamation No. 2 (Lot 1576) from 1985 is typical of this period. The two figures' shapes and the sheep on the horizon are deliberately reductive, but their rugged appearance implies that they no longer the chiseled muscular peasants symbols of political propaganda, but that they are uncomplicatedly of the earth. The strong solid blue of sky and gentle slope of the snowscape further suggests not the heroics of the 'revolution', but the more humble heroics of everyday life.

As China began to feel the effects of global, consumerist capitalism, and Wang himself was busy with international exhibitions, seeds of discontent became more and more apparent in his works. This is especially the case in the rare, brief series of "Visa Dog" paintings he created in 1995. Wang found an outlet for these experiences in a brief series of canvases, famously exhibited in the historic "China!" exhibition in Bonn, Germany in 1996. Against a monochromatic background of Wang's signature communist red, the artist replaces the typical passport mug-shot with various dog breeds, a violent, institutional "VISA" stamped across the center of the canvas (Lot 1577). The typical categories of identity appear across the composition in cursive - place of birth, name, sex - along with arrows signifying misdirection and confusion. Some have seen this as a critique of the restrictions China imposed on its own citizens' mobility, but in fact it stems much more from the artist's experience with the bureaucracies of foreign governments and the paucity of respect he received as a Chinese national. Replacing a figure's visage with that of a standard pug, Wang suggests not only a generally derisive status but conjures the notorious urban legend of the restrictions imposed on the Chinese people under British colonial occupation in the form of public park signs announcing "Dogs and Chinese not allowed".

Great Criticism: Starbucks (Lot 1648) elegantly embodies the conceptual rigor and aesthetic economy of Wang's practice. A trio of figures march towards the viewer for an unnamed cause, similar to images of the zealous campaigns that so often moved not only the Chinese masses but numerous revolutionary movements around the world throughout the 20th Century. Their "revolution" however is bluntly undermined by the relentlessly ubiquitous presence of "Starbucks", rendering their ambitions futile against an encroaching capitalism.

Wang's concerns are not limited to a basic capitalism versus socialism opposition, but also implicates the larger field on which China has emerged as a global leader and, indeed, to become the home of numerous highly sought-after contemporary artists. As a result, Wang has produced a number of self-reflexive art world-related works. Like Art and Power (Lot 1027) in the Evening Sale, his 2003 Christie's (Lot 1578) also stems from this interest. Alongside other works like Museums or Beuys, Wang cleverly acknowledges the institutional field through which Chinese contemporary art has become known to the world, the structures through with it circulates, is promoted, and assessed.

Looking back at his artistic development, Wang stated: "Conceptually speaking, this process of returning to the original expression has meant for me a return to the original ideological worldview that guided my earliest educational experience, and, by extension, to the earliest views on the questions of form that were imparted to me. In fact, it could be said that all the work I am now doing is related to this idea of going back to the original, and of reducing things to their essentials. In the past, I never thought this way, but now I am following the trajectory of my own growth development. I realize that is very important for an artist." (Wang Guangyi quoted in Wang Guangyi: The Legacy of Heroism, Hanart TZ Gallery, Hong Kong, 2004, p. 5)

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
