WV041; WV048; & WV029
銀鹽 相紙 (共三件)
版數:3/10; 2/10; 10/20
簽名:閩秉憲 BHM

1996年7月2-20日「閩秉憲個展」Gaain畫廊 首爾 韓國 (展品為另一版數)
1997年7月10日-8月17日「閩秉憲個展」Jan Kesner 畫廊 洛杉磯 美國 (展品為另一版數)

2006年《WEED》Homi出版社 首爾 韓國 (圖版為另一版數,第27、67及81頁)

森林是閩秉憲攝影作品的中心主題。閩秉憲以韓國自然山水作為靈感,將風景解構為模糊的黑白形狀,以及沉靜抒情、形態多姿的交纏流線,創造出近似傳統水墨畫的感覺。《WR041;WR048;及WR029》 (Lot 1624)表現出大自然所包含的宏偉力量及纎細微妙,使影像中夢幻般的朦朧和具吸引力的神秘感染欣賞者。閩秉憲充分利用直接攝影技術的潛能,頌揚大自然沉靜的壯麗,通過燈光操作、構圖和角度,藉以抓住稍縱即逝、肉眼不能完全記錄的細微動靜。

在《FF004》 (Lot 1625) 中,不同深淺的灰色調子創造出廣闊而寧靜的背景,給觀者提供一個浪漫而莊嚴的思考空間。閩秉憲採用軟聚焦,在暗室處理過程中阻斷了光源,以內心感覺與藝術創造描寫大自然,而非複製原貌。他的作品是一種詩意的結果,轉述了莊嚴的自然世界,並將藝術家內心的空間表現於相紙上。 
Homi Publishing House, WEED, Seoul, Korea, 2006 (different edition illustrated, pp. 27, 67 & 81).
Seoul, Korea, Gaain Gallery, Min Byung Hun Solo Exhibition, 2-20 July 1996 (different edition exhibited).
Los Angeles, USA, Jan Kesner Gallery, Min Byung Hun Solo Exhibition, 10 July-17 August 1997(different edition exhibited).



The forest is the central theme in Min Byung-Hun's meditative photographs. Taking inspiration from Korean landscapes, Min deconstructs the scenery into vague black-and-white forms and entangled lines of muted lyrical patterns, creating landscapes with similar sensibilities to that of traditional ink painting. WV041; WV048; & WV029 (Lot 1624) deliver the delicate eloquence found in both grand and minute scales of nature, infecting the viewer with the dreamy haziness and attractive ambiguity that is crafted within. Min celebrates the silent magnificence of nature through fully exploring the potential that straight photography has to offer, by manipulating lighting, composition, perspective in order to capture the fleeting nuances in time which the human eye cannot fully record.
In FF004 (Lot 1625), the broad, tranquil space in varying shades of grey instills the viewer with a romantic yet solemn room for contemplation. Min employs soft focus by blocking out the illuminant during processing in the darkroom, in order to reproduce nature as perceived rather than as they are. His works are a result of poetic paraphrasing of the grandeur in the natural world and shine light onto the phenomenon that occurs within the artist himself.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
