五木田 智央
壓克力 水粉 畫布

日本 東京 Taka Ishii 畫廊

2008年4月1-26日「五木田 智央」Taka Ishii 畫廊 東京 日本

日本藝術家五木田智央原本就是知名的設計師,尤其擅長碳筆作圖而名揚國際,進而把藝術觸覺延伸到帆布畫上。五木田智央把單色的繪圖技巧應用在壓克力顏料和水彩上,融合古典藝術和大眾文化的特色,巧妙地利用顏料創造出充滿活力的構圖。這幅命名為《梅倫格》(Lot 1668)的作品,畫作主題是一個出現在20世紀中葉美國的經典海報美女,她的身體線條粗糙而簡單。又深又濃的黑色、白色、藍灰色為基調,讓人聯想到早期的黑白電影和黑白照片。五木田智央巧妙地在畫布上扭曲女子的身體,她的右腿似乎分解碎裂,融入在又深又黑的水池中。 女子的上半身和頭部不見了,取而代之的是大塊超現實的有機體,形狀立刻讓人聯想到甜點或是核爆產生的蕈狀雲。粗獷的黑色線條、留白的塊面充滿當代都會感,呼應弗爾南萊.格爾的立體派畫風,可是藝術家精心處理的抽象區塊卻削減了三度空間感。此外,五木田智央流暢優美的人物造型賦予作品超現實的特質,同時掩飾了藝術家一絲不苟地操控媒材的過程。這幅作品令人嘆為觀止,結合知識性和實驗性的藝術形態,也讓五田木智央成為日本當代藝術壇上極具潛力的年輕藝術家。

Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Acquired directly from the above by the present owner
Tokyo, Japan, Taka Ishii Gallery,Tomoo Gokita, 1-26 April, 2008.
Please note that this lot has the following exhibition record:
Tokyo, Japan, Taka Ishii Gallery,Tomoo Gokita, 1-26 April, 2008.



Japanese artist Tomoo Gokita had already developed an international reputation as a master draftsman, particularly in charcoal, before making the move to canvas painting. Extending his monochromatic technique into acrylic and gouache on canvas, Gokita masterfully maximizes the materials to create compositions that display an exuberant mixture of art historical and pop culture associations. In the playfully titled canvas, Merengue (Lot 1668), featured here, Gokita offers a classic image of a mid-Century American pin-up. Her body is rendered in bold, simplified masses, modeled in deep and rich black, whites, and near-blue-grays, reminiscent of black and white film and photography. Gokita cleverly plays with her materiality; not only does her right leg seem to disintegrate into a pool of deep black in the floor, her upper torso and head have been replaced by an exploding mass of surrealistic organic forms, reminiscent at once of sweet confections and nuclear clouds. The hard edges of his steely black lines and luminous whites evoke the urban-inspired Cubism of Fernand Leger, while the areas of pure painterly abstraction further undermine the three-dimensionality of the space. Finally, the fluidity of Gokita's technical and figural juxtapositions give the work a Surrealist, "automatic" quality that belies the meticulous attention he gives to managing his materials. This astonishing combination of learned and experimental form and content make Gokita one of the most exciting young painters in Japan today.

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