My Toshihiko
壓克力 畫布

亞洲 私人收藏

MR.是日本當代藝術中矚目的藝術家,創作媒材涵蓋平面作品、設計、乃至大型的雕塑作品。曾在村上龍的工作室創作,創作風格上也沿承這一方向︰鮮艷色彩的平塗、畫面建構「超平面化」,以日本通俗文化的元素為主題,發展了一種嶄新的藝術語言和審美方式,媲美於1960年代「普普藝術」、漢默爾頓(Richard Hamilton)等把商業、生活元素融入高雅藝術的創新成就。本次拍賣包括兩件MR.的作品吳《Mr. Toshihiko》(Lot 1674)及《忘年會21日》(Lot 1678)。《忘年會21日》是MR.最早期的作品一之。當時藝術家還是以本名來簽署作品,而不是用後來常見的MR.。在早期創作,已充滿了動漫的表現特色。少女形象是MR.所獨創,在後來的雕塑作品,他都反覆運用這個形象。《My Toshihiko》藝術形式上,充份應用了「超平面」的美學概念,挪用漫畫、電腦繪圖、動畫等大眾藝術的表達形式,轉化到油畫創作上。即使在主題上,也是直接轉化自日本少女漫畫常見的生活化場景,人物是典型日本漫畫少女的模樣,白晢的肌膚、水汪汪的雙眼、卡通月曆、電影海報,整個睡房佈置滿是日本的流行意象,也側面點出日本現今的文化情境,仿彿一幅新世代的浮世繪作品。作品所呈現的情境似乎寫實,又有超現實的意味。即使有巨細無遺的細節描繪,卻沒有生活的實感。相反地,作品極度卡通化、漫畫式的表達方式、鮮艷而不自然的動漫色彩、童稚式的線條、臉上的紅暈、甚至於My Toshihiko頭頂上的白點,也是漫畫才會出現的超現實筆觸、使得整個情景變得虛擬和童話化,這是仿傚動漫的表達形式,注重於絢爛眩目的視覺感受,刻意抹除現實空間距離感和作品的抒情性、思考性,只使人專注於美好、樂觀的想像。畫面隱含的色情意味,更是MR.個人化的表現特色,在極度童真的漫畫世界,加入成人世界的想像,使他的作品在平面化的風格以下有更複雜的思考層次,似乎是諷刺日本的偷窺文化、御宅族;也常常被認為是藝術家個人想像世界的呈現。
Private Collection, Asia



In the Japanese contemporary art scene MR. is an eye-catcher. The renowned artist engages himself in a diverse set of creative practices, ranging from graphic art and design to large sculptures. Once a member of Murakami Takashi's studio, the style of his works has evolved from Murakami's influence - the coating of vibrant colors, the "superflat" structure, the thematization of Japanese popular culture -leading to the formation of a novel artistic language and aesthetics on par with that of Pop artist Richard Hamilton who, in theo 1960s, fused commercial and ordinary elements with high art practices. This auction highlights two of MR.'s artworks, My Toshihiko (Lot 1674) and End of the Year Party 21 Days (Lot 1678). Among one of the artist's earliest works, End of the Year Party 21 Days is signed under his given name instead of the alias, "MR." Early as it is, the work embodies the expressive features of anime, and the use of a young girl's figures, aspects that would continue to dominate his later sculptures. My Toshihiko, on the other hand, manifests an artistic form clearly indicative of the "superflat" aesthetics. The forms of expression found in popular art, like manga, computer graphics and animation, are converted into an oil painting. The theme, too, is taken from the everyday scenes that frequently appear in Japanese sh?jo manga: the typical figure of a manga girl, with her flawless, fair skin and a pair enormous watery eyes, her bedroom decorated with trendy cartoon calendars and movie posters. In this way, MR. intimates the cultural context of modern Japan, much like a new age ukiyoe. The work seems at once a realistic depiction and a surreal fiction: for all the detailed narratives, the sense of the "real" is deprived of by the ultra cartoonish, anime-like representation, the unnatural striking colors, the childish brushstrokes, and all the more, the glowing blush of the girl's cheeks and the white dots over the head of Toshihiko. All these can be found nowhere but in manga. This surreal style transforms the work into a virtual, even a fairy-tale, world. Patterning after the manga form of expression, the artist foregrounds a luscious visual experience to obliterate the real-world dimensionality and the perception of distance. Any feeling for lyricism or high-minded philosophy is effaced; only the beautiful, optimistic imagination is retained. Implicitly sexual, the work also exemplifies the generally sexualized works of MR., who is distinct in his way of blending the adolescent fancy with the innocent manga world, rendering it a near-satire of the voyeurism of Japanese otaku culture. The planar work of MR. therefore incarnates a more intricate reflection, and is sometimes regarded as a door to the private fantasy world of the artist.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
