Dominus Aeris Mirage-3
壓克力 油彩 畫布
簽名:Jiten Thukral;Sumir Tagra


Jiten Thukal 和 Sumir Tagra兩位著名的藝術家,自二千年起便合作創作。透過繪畫、雕塑、時裝、商品和圖象及室內設計等媒體討論時事。這對全能的拍擋的作品有著鮮艷的顏色及燦爛的形象。他們超媒體的融合,表現了印度高速發展的經濟活力及野心,同時對消費主義與社會期望作出了評論。從流行文化、歷史及城市生活獲得靈感,Thukral & Tagra 融合了他們藝術與設計的背景,造就了獨特而富動感的當代風格。

有力而富趣味的《Dominus Aeris Mirage – 3》(Lot 1695)一作,描繪了社會對消費主義的著迷,並探討了城市化和城市中的抽離感。 Dominus Aeris 的意思是「天空之主」,而 Mirage 即指幻影。合起來看,畫題指出藝術家對想像之物的掌控。畫作中,花、樹及雀鳥變得巨大並包圍了高樓大廈,同時垂直的雲柱佔據了畫面。另一個在蓮花上的細小居所浮於天空,而一座發電塔沉在幾近不見的地平線。Thukral &Tagra把幻想與現實融合,成就了一個玩味創新、融合高雅文化與諷刺性的艷俗的對話。

Acquired directly from the artist by the present owner



Working collaboratively since 2000, celebrated artists Jiten Thukral and Sumir Tagra address current issues in urban India through a wide variety of media including painting, sculpture, fashion and product design, as well as graphic and interior design. The work of this uniquely versatile duo is characterized by exuberant colour and elaborate imagery. Their hyper-media fusion reflects the dynamism and ambition of India's rapidly growing economy, while commenting on consumerism and social aspirations. Drawing from pop culture, national history and city life, Thukral & Tagra meld their respective backgrounds in fine arts and graphic design into a distinctive and vibrant contemporary style.

Powerful yet whimsical, Dominus Aeris Mirage - 3 (Lot 1695) depicts this fascination with consumerism and explores urbanization and displacement in the ever expanding metropolis. Dominus Aeris means "Master of the Air", Mirage refers to optical illusions and combined, this title points toward the artists' mastery of the imagined. Ironically these flowers, trees and birds have grown to massive proportions and engulf the high rise apartment blocks, and a vertical tower of clouds dominates the composition. Another tiny dwelling floats in the sky on a lotus flower, whilst an electrical tower sinks into the barely visible horizon. Combining fantasy with reality, Thukral & Tagra achieve a playful, cutting-edge dialogue which combines a rare mix of high culture and reflective, ironic kitsch.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 日間拍賣
