Cf. Chantal Bizot, The Jewels of Jean Schlumberger, Harry N. Abrams Inc., New York, 2001, page 26 and back cover
Cf. John Loring, Tiffany Colored Gems, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 2007, pages 182-183 and 185
Cf. John Loring, Tiffany's 20th Century: A Portrait of American Style, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1997, page 157
Cf. Franco Maria Ricci, Ed., Bijoux de Jean Schlumberger, 1976, page 127
Cf. Suzanne Tennenbaum and Janet Zapata, The Jeweled Menagerie: The World of Animals in Gems, Thames & Hudson, 2001, pages 166-167
Cf. John Loring, Tiffany Colored Gems, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 2007, pages 182-183 and 185
Cf. John Loring, Tiffany's 20th Century: A Portrait of American Style, Harry N. Abrams, Inc., New York, 1997, page 157
Cf. Franco Maria Ricci, Ed., Bijoux de Jean Schlumberger, 1976, page 127
Cf. Suzanne Tennenbaum and Janet Zapata, The Jeweled Menagerie: The World of Animals in Gems, Thames & Hudson, 2001, pages 166-167