PROPERTY OF PROFESSOR HU XIAOSHI Professor Hu Xiaoshi (1888-1962) was one of the most erudite and accomplished scholars of Chinese literature and ancient texts and scripts in the twentieth century. A native of Nanjing, Hu was strongly influenced by the educator, calligrapher, and reformer Li Ruiqing (1867-1920). After graduating from the Liangjiang Youji Shifan Xuetang, later Nanjing University, Hu taught at institutes of higher learning throughout China, including in Yunnan, Sichuan, and Beijing, although most of his career was spent at Nanjing University. Professor Hu studied and taught a very wide range of ancient literary forms, including ancient Buddhist texts, Han clerical records, and bronze inscriptions, to name just a very few, and published numerous studies of them. He was also an expert in the script types used to write these early texts, and they profoundly informed his own calligraphy. Hu Xiaoshi was considered one of the foremost masters of calligraphy in Nanjing during the 1950s. When teaching calligraphy, he urged students not to imitate his own personal style, but to study ancient models so that their writing would be based on the origins of the tradition. His years as an artist and teacher brought him into contact with many other artists, in particular Fu Baoshi. The two occasionally collaborated on art works, such as painting and inscribing fans, and Professor Hu acquired works from other friends by exchange. The work offered here remained in Professor Hu's family by descent. The collection included works by Fu Baoshi and others, and a fan leaf by Wen Shu (Lot 2213, Fine Chinese Classical Paintings and Calligraphy).
FU BAOSHI (1904-1965)
Qu Yuan
傅抱石 屈原 設色絹本 鏡框 一九四七年作
題識:小石先生雅命,丁亥 (1947年) 天中節金陵製 新喻傅抱石。
胡小石教授是二十世紀傑出中國文學及古代文字學家。胡教授是南京人,他受教育家、書法家和改革家李瑞清的影響甚深。在兩江優級師範學堂畢業 (現南京大學), 曾任教於中國各地大專院校,包括雲南大學、四川國立女子師範學院及北京女子高等師範學校等,其中以在南京大學任職最長。胡教授在研究和教授中國古文學,包含甚廣,有佛學經卷、漢簡和青銅器銘文等,亦出版古文學著作。他更是五十年代南京赫赫有名的書法家,以融匯古代文體,獨創個人書法風格見稱。他常告誡學生不要臨摹他的書法,應參考古代作品才可領會古人風韻。胡教授因藝術工作和教學的關係,結交眾多藝術家,尤與傅抱石稔熟,兩人間有合作。胡教授以藝會友,易換作品。這數件胡氏收藏品,包括傅抱石等之近現代畫作,及文俶花蝶扇面 (中國古代書畫 編號2213)。見證他在藝壇的點滴。
題識:小石先生雅命,丁亥 (1947年) 天中節金陵製 新喻傅抱石。
胡小石教授是二十世紀傑出中國文學及古代文字學家。胡教授是南京人,他受教育家、書法家和改革家李瑞清的影響甚深。在兩江優級師範學堂畢業 (現南京大學), 曾任教於中國各地大專院校,包括雲南大學、四川國立女子師範學院及北京女子高等師範學校等,其中以在南京大學任職最長。胡教授在研究和教授中國古文學,包含甚廣,有佛學經卷、漢簡和青銅器銘文等,亦出版古文學著作。他更是五十年代南京赫赫有名的書法家,以融匯古代文體,獨創個人書法風格見稱。他常告誡學生不要臨摹他的書法,應參考古代作品才可領會古人風韻。胡教授因藝術工作和教學的關係,結交眾多藝術家,尤與傅抱石稔熟,兩人間有合作。胡教授以藝會友,易換作品。這數件胡氏收藏品,包括傅抱石等之近現代畫作,及文俶花蝶扇面 (中國古代書畫 編號2213)。見證他在藝壇的點滴。
Please note that the US$ estimate of Lot 2669 should be $193,500-258,100 and not $90,300-116,100 as stated in the catalogue.