QI BAISHI (1863-1957)
QI BAISHI (1863-1957)


齊白石    茶花   設色紙本    立軸

註: 此畫原屬俄羅斯藝術家維克多•米哈伊洛維奇•奧列什尼科夫 (1904-1987) 舊藏。奧列什尼科夫,蘇聯美術研 究院院士及蘇聯國家獎金得獎者,是位人民藝術家,不論在蘇聯或俄羅斯時期,都享有崇高的威望。他的作品絕大多數被收藏在俄羅斯各大博物館以及其他國家的美術館裡。他常鼓勵學生從多角度去研究不同的藝術。他既是藝術家亦是藝術收藏家,並相信藝術家要對生命有獨特的觸感和態度方有佳作。
1953-1954年間,奧列什尼科夫往中國交流,其間獲中國 政府贈此齊白石的佳作。山茶花,花姿豐盈,端莊高雅,葉長窄耐寒,稍厚而硬,經冬天也不凋謝。齊老遊廣東一帶時,最喜愛就是此花,曾對之寫生多次,故能掌握花的精神,使此畫格外傳神雅致。



This painting belonged to former People's Artist of U.S.S.R. and rector of Repin Institute of Arts from 1953-1978, Victor Michailovich Oreshikov (1904 -1987). As a caring teacher, Oreshikov encouraged his students in the basic principles of art creation and the need to understand and appreciate different art forms and styles. As a painter and art collector, he believed that it was the painter's understanding of life and art that created great paintings. Camellia was presented to Oreshikov by the Chinese government delegation in 1953-54.
Similar to the plum blossom, the camellia blooms in late winter, like a steadfast friend who can be relied on regardless of circumstances, symbolizing the friendship between China and Russia. The brilliant scarlet hue of the flower is accompanied by the faint yellow stamen in the centre, sharply contrasted with the jet black stamen that extends the flowers from the base of the painting to the top, and leaves that thrust the flowers horizontally across the painting.

更多來自 中國近現代畫
