GAO JIANFU (1879-1951)
GAO JIANFU (1879-1951)

Orchids and Rocks

高劍父 瀑布幽蘭 水墨紙本 立軸 一九三五年作
題識:夢畢先生雅屬并政廿四 (1935年) 年春劍父。 鈐印:劍父不死、高崙之鉥、亂畫哀亂世也

註:上款‘夢畢’是高劍父的知己好友和革命家曾醒。1906年,在東京加入孫中山反清同盟會,並認識汪精衛,其妻陳璧君和方君璧。1910年曾醒更參加汪精衛領導的謀刺攝政王載豐,可惜失敗。辛亥革命後,1912年他和汪精衛、陳璧君夫妻結伴遊學法國 (紀念與曾醒 這段友誼,汪精衛的女兒特改名為文惺)。其後其弟曾仲鳴,方君璧夫妻及蔡元培亦到法國。九年後,曾醒在國民黨全國代表大會被選為婦女部長。1929年遊說當時新任教育部長蔡元培,委任高劍父組織第一屆政府全國藝術展覽。高劍父時有送贈曾醒畫作。這幅1935年的作品,是高劍父第三期和晚期的作品風格,以古代的筆觸風格去反映恬靜和寫實的題材。



Orchids and Rocks was painted by Gao Jianfu (1879-1951) for his longtime friend and fellow revolutionary Zeng Xing (1882-1954). They first met in 1906 in Tokyo, where they joined Dr. Sun Yatsen's anti-Manchu, Chinese Revolutionary Alliance Tongmenghui alongside Wang Jingwei (1883-1944), his future wife Chen Bijun (1891-1959), and Zeng's sister-in-law Fang Junying (1884-1923). While Gao pursued his painting career, Zeng Xing joined in the unsuccessful plot, led by Wang Jingwei, to assassinate the Prince Regent Zaifeng in 1910. After the Revolution, in 1912, Zeng travelled to France with Wang Jingwei and Chen Bijun (who named their first daughter Wang Wenxing in honor of their friendship with Zeng Xing). They were joined by Zeng's brother Zeng Zhongming (1896-1939), his future wife Fang Junbi (1898-1986) and Cai Yuanpei (1869-1940). Nine years later, after the First National Congress of the Guomindang, Zeng Xing was appointed the Minister for Women and persuaded the new Minister of Education Cai Yuanpei to appoint Gao Jianfu to organize the government's first National Art Exhibition, held in 1929. Zeng Xing acquired several works by the artist during her lifetime. The present work, dated 1935, may be associated with the third and final stage of Gao Jianfu's career: tranquil and reflective subject matter and brushwork inspired by ancient influences.

更多來自 中國近現代畫
