ZHAO SHAO'ANG (1905-1998)
Property of a Malaysian Chinese Private Collector
ZHAO SHAO'ANG (1905-1998)

A Tiger's Roar

趙少昂 草澤雄風 設色紙本 立軸 一九六四年作
題識:自有雄風藏草澤,一聲長嘯鼠狐驚。甲辰 (1964年) 夏四月趙少昂於嶺南藝苑燈下。 鈐印:趙、少昂、足跡英美法意瑞德日比菲諸國


於1964年完成的《草澤雄風》包涵著趙氏中期 (即定居 香港首二十年) 大幅繪畫的特色。首先,構圖簡單卻充 分反映畫家心思熟濾的佈局:瀑布水流由右上角向左下方澎湃而下,巧妙地引領賞者的眼睛落在徘徊於草澤葦叢間、蓄勢待發之猛虎。其次,運用多種筆法對老虎作出細膩傳神的描寫,尤其是透過眼睛,將老虎兇狠中閃亮著仁慈的一瞥表露無遺。最後,瀑布與葦草的生動描繪對比著墨色深淺變化而產生的水流節奏感及葦澤間的層次感,令畫面充滿生機及內涵。
趙少昂之老虎傳世甚少。其中一幅1939年作的《臥虎圖》 於2005年11月25日香港佳士得中國近現代及當代畫 (I) 拍 出 (編號562),另一幅1968年畫的《雄風》題有與本拍品 一樣的詩句,也於2006年11月26日香港佳士得中國近現代畫拍出 (編號898)。從老虎的造型、構圖之精煉及瀑布 作背景所產生的威力這三個角度來看,本幅《草澤雄風》 實為趙少昂所有老虎圖之中的得意之作。

Ling-Nan School Painting, Art Book Co., Ltd, Taipei, 1983, p.87, pl.108.
Paintings by Chao Shao-an, Art Book Co., Ltd, Taipei, 1994, pp.132-133, pl.138-139.



A prominent figure of the Lingnan School, Zhao Shao'ang was a master of 20th Century Chinese paintings, who internalized the diverse artistic concepts of the East and West to formulate his unique style.
According to a letter written and signed by the artist addressed to Chaoshu and with the seal 'Precious collection of Nanhai Fushan Wu Chaoshu' on the painting, A Tiger's Roar was commissioned by Wu Chaoshu, a renowned diplomat in Southeast-Asia during the Republic era and the Ambassador of China in Malaysia. Wu was acquainted with the Chinese artists' circle that included painters like Yang Shanshen and Zhao Shao'ang, and was particularly close to Xu Beihong.
A Tiger's Roar exemplifies Zhao's ability to grasp the most enchanting and exceptional posture and colour of the animal, bringing it to life with dynamism on paper and transcends it into an art form. His tigers are always captivating, testified in the writing of Malcolm McDonald, the British Commissioner General for Southeast Asia in 1952 who hosted the openings of Zhao's exhibitions in Singapore:
"He paintsKthe regal glance in the eyes of a tiger with an exactness which makes his paintings almost as intensely alive as those very creatures."
Painted in 1964, A Tiger's Roar embraces characteristics of Zhao's monumental paintings of his middle period, i.e. the first two decades of his residence in Hong Kong. First, the composition is quite simple, with a stylised waterfall at the top right corner and a roaring tiger amidst reeds on the lower one-third of the painting. In fact, the diagonal composition accentuates the energy and motion of the tiger, reflecting Zhao's mindful choice and distribution of painting elements. Second, the tiger is meticulously painted with an array of brush techniques, bringing out not only its physical likeness but also its energy, spirit and kindness, as conveyed through its pair of bright piercing eyes with the glint of mercy. Colours are applied in layers of washes so that they are light and transparent, making the tiger glow in the picture. Finally, the waterfall and reeds are depicted deftly whilst the tonal changes of ink generates rhythms of the waterfall and a layering effect of the reedy marsh.
Zhao's paintings of tigers are relatively rare in the market. A crouching tiger amidst grassy marsh painted in 1939 was sold at Christie's Hong Kong, Fine Modern and Contemporary Chinese Paintings (I), 27 November 2005, Lot 562. Also compare a roaring tiger squatted down on the ground against a moonlit sky painted in 1968 and inscribed with the same poem as this lot, sold at Christie's Hong Kong, Fine Modern Chinese Paintings, 27 November 2006, Lot 898. A Tiger's Roar is unique not only because of the tiger's form but also the powerful expression as a result of the witty composition and the choice of waterfall as a background element.

更多來自 中國近現代畫
