ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)
A native of Liaoning, Wang Shuchang was chosen by the Viceroy of Three Northeast Provinces, Xu Shichang, to study at the Imperial Japanese Army Academy. By chance he met Chiang Kai-shek and Chang Ch'un during his voyage to Japan. Upon graduating in 1910 he returned to China and took part in the Xinhai revolution. In 1915 he was once again selected by the First President of the Republic of China, Yuan Shikai, to take part in military training in Japan and did not return until 1919. From 1921 onwards Wang played a significant role in the North-Eastern Army in the Huanggutun Incident of 1928-Zhang Zuolin was bombed to death and Zhang Xueliang was recruited as acting commander in chief and operational commander for the army, leading armies from 1930 onwards and taking the position Chairman of Hebei province. In 1930 Wang often led armies into revolt. Having fought and travelled all over China, including Henan, Wuhan and Hong Kong, Wong finally settled in Bejing in 1949.
ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)


張大千 王母祝壽 設色紙本 立軸 一九三四年作
題識:蓬萊弱水三千里,阿母蟠桃一萬年。鳳鳥自歌鸞自舞,直教衘到壽杯前。甲戌 (1934年) 四月倣六如居士筆恭介王太夫人七秩大慶,蜀郡張爰頓首再拜。鈐印:張季、大千

註:1930年代,王樹常安排兩位年輕藝術家,張大千和溥儒在北京頤和園會面。頤和園靜謐的氛圍,和北京莊麗的景 色,給予兩位藝術家創作的靈感。王氏不只是一個藝術資助人,亦是位受尊重的書法家,年青時金石碑帖愛不釋手,更練就一手秀麗挺拔的蠅頭小楷。他亦師從溥儒,兩人合作的書畫頗多。


王樹常,字庭五,遼寧省遼中縣 (今屬瀋陽市) 人。被東北 三省總督徐世昌選拔,入日本士官學校深造,在去日本船上認識蔣介石和張群。1910年畢業回國,參加辛亥革命。1915年,又被當時大總統袁世凱派送日本陸軍大學培訓,1919年回國。1921年起,王樹常長期在奉軍、東北軍任職,成為東北軍重要人物;1928年皇姑屯事件,張作霖被炸死,張學良入主東北軍,他擔任軍令廳長,成為東北軍的指揮核心。1930年王樹常率軍入關,出任京津衛戌司令、河北省主席,居於北京。抗戰時輾轉於河南、武漢、香港等地。1949年後,閒居北京。


In the 1930's, General Wang Shuchang, governor of Hebei province and garrison commander of Beijing and Tianjin, invited two promising young artists - Zhang Daqian and Pu Ru (Pu Xinyu) - to come to Beijing. He hoped that the serene environment of the Summer Palace and the beautiful surroundings of Beijing would inspire these two aspiring artists to create a new style of Chinese art. A respected calligrapher himself, General Wang was a true patron of the arts. During Pu Ru's time in Beijing, General Wang studied Chinese painting under Pu Ru and collaborated with him on several works of calligraphy and painting.
It was General Wang's generous invitation that brought together two of China's most prodigious twentieth-century artists to collaborate on art. During their time together in Beijing, Zhang Daqian and Pu Ru struck many as an unlikely pair: Zhang was a native of Sichuan province who had studied in Japan and Shanghai, while Pu was a Beijing native and a member of the Manchu imperial family. Nevertheless, the two found common ground in their appreciation of art; they became good friends who would produce together some of China's most famous twentieth century artwork. The epithet, "South Zhang, North Pu," denotes the collaborative works of art that Zhang Daqian and Pu Ru created during the 1930s. In fact, in the 1990s Taipei Palace museum hosted a large "South Zhang, North Pu," exhibition to display their masterpieces. The event was a huge sensation!
In 1934, during his time at the Summer Palace, Zhang Daqian painted a beautiful work of art in honour of the seventieth birthday of General Wang's mother. The painting was a token of his appreciation for Wang's gracious hospitality. Before he passed away in 1960, General Wang passed this stunning creation down to his son. Today, his son cherishes this piece of art for not only its historical value, but more significantly, for its sentimental value.

更多來自 中國近現代畫
