ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)
ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)


張大千 羅浮夢影 設色紙本 立軸 一九三五年作
題識:羅浮夢影。倣崔道母筆寫於江戶。 鈐印:大千豪髮、大風堂、摩登戒體
又題:羅浮舊夢最銷魂,劫後梅花尚有村。重與麻姑話滄海,一杯春露向誰溫。乙亥 (1935年) 春日大千居士爰。
傅增湘 (1872-1949年) 題:
縹緲天風下珮環,玉鱗寂寂簇雕欄。雲階月地無窮意,獨抱孤芳守歲寒。庚辰 (1940年) 陽月傅增湘題。 鈐印:癸卯館主、書潛詞翰

張大千在題識中註明此畫是仿崔道母筆法。崔子忠 (約1595-1644) 原名丹, 字道母,號青蚓,明代平度 (占籍順天) 人。他有非凡的繪畫天賦,最擅仕女,也畫神話人物及佛像。明末清初著名文人錢謙益評其畫是“慕顧、陸、閻、吳遺跡,關、范以下不复措手”。清初著名書畫評論家周亮工贊其“工圖繪,為絕技,善貌人,無不克肖”。他與南方的陳洪綬並稱為“南陳北崔”,蜚聲畫壇。《羅浮夢影》頗有崔子忠畫風中遠追晉人唐意趣,不囿於宋元窠臼的精神。墨色靈秀淡雅,設色清麗,有飄渺空靈之感。從人物的造型上,亦可見他假鏡了在日本常見並收藏的日本浮世繪和美人圖。



In 1917, Zhang Daqian went to Japan, where he learned commercial weaving, textile dyeing, and painting. In 1931, Zhang went to Japan as a representative for the "Chinese Art Show of the Tang, Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties." The artist also travelled to Japan in 1928 and 1935 respectively, proving that he had close ties with Japan. Lady , painted by Zhang Daqian in Tokyo, dated 1935 or earlier, bears an inscription stating that this work was executed in the style of Cui Daomu. "Daomu"is the zi (second name) of Cui Zizhong (c. 1595-1644); his birth name was "Dan" and his hao (pseudonym) was "Qing Qiu." Hailing from Pingdu prefecture (Shuntian Fu), this celebrated painter of the late Ming dynasty was magnificently skilled in the portrayal of ladies, mythical portraits, and Buddhist icons. Together with Chen Hongshou (1598-1652), they were acclaimed as "Chen of the South and Cui of the North", meaning they were the two greatest painters in their respective regions. This work is infused with Cui Zizhong's painting style: his longing for Tang-dynasty romanticisms were expressed along with an air of Song-dynasty literati spirit. The ink-wash speaks fluidly with a splash of spiritualism, while the colour composition is the epitome of simplicity. The composition of these elements combines to create a tranquil ambience. The style of this portrayal of figures reminds viewers of Japanese ukiyo-e.

更多來自 中國近現代畫
