ZHANG DAQIAN (1899-1983)
LOTS 2732-2738 THE PRIVATE COLLECTION OF MR. ZHAO JUYU Zhao Juyu (1913-1981), sobriquet Mengwan, was a native of Hunan, and studied at Shanghai Fudan University, and attended the Guo Min Revolutionary Army after graduating. During the January 28 Incident in 1932, he joined the volunteer army and took part in fighting against the Empire of Japan. After the end of the Sino-Japanese war, he took up the post of Hangzhou branch manager for the Central Trust of China. Settling in Taiwan in 1949, Zhao entered the finance industry before taking up a post at the Veterans Affairs Commission. During his time he oversaw the establishment of Taipei Veterans General Hospital, and became minister before he retired.
峽江圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七九年作


張大千 峽江圖 設色紙本 鏡框 一九七九年作

題識:六十八年己未 (1979年) 中秋, 寫江山晚興。八十一叟爰。

註: 中國傳統畫中,將天空染成朱紅色的晚霞非常少見,以大千先生的學習歷程,應當是學自石濤。石濤的作品,多從寫生而來,將詩詞本身的意境,結合實際景物入畫,秋霞晚堤,最易引詩興。大千此幅《峽江圖》,似登山遠眺,帆船在叢嶺中穿過,留白處猶如大川,這樣高遠的透視畫法,自古以來未曾見過,大千先生自喻,是乘飛機時得到的靈感。



Yanie Choi
Yanie Choi




In traditional Chinese painting one does not often find the sky painted in red hues. Based on Zhang Daqian's experiences, he most likely adopted this idea from Shitao. Shitao's works mainly drew inspiration from nature, combined with thoughtful poetry that fit seamlessly into the atmosphere of the painting. The red sky at dusk was composed with a high distance perspective, such that the aspect is one that from a far distance and even ships are clear and visible from afar. Zhang used to comment that this perspective was inspired from taking an aeroplane, as such an application of perspective was uncommon in ancient works.

更多來自 中國近現代畫
