XU BEIHONG (1895-1953)
76.4 x 131 cm. (30 1/2 x 51 1/2 in.)
奔馬 設色紙本 鏡框 一九三七年作


徐悲鴻 奔馬 設色紙本 鏡框 一九三七年作

題識:九和先生雅教。廿六年 (1937) 夏盡。悲鴻。
鈐印:東海王孫、 真宰上訴

註: 馬是徐悲鴻畫作中常見的題材。他畫馬以剛勁豪邁、栩栩如生、流露愛國情懷見稱,深受藏家愛戴。中國人自古以來把馬看作力量與勇氣的象徵,而徐氏在第二次中日戰爭期間 (1937-1945) 所創作的馬,如《奔馬》,體現了中國對抗外族入侵以及建立新中國的精神,極受當時關心中國局勢發展的海外華人之歡迎。
2008年於新加坡美術館舉行的“徐悲鴻在南洋”展覽中,有一幅與本拍品同樣作於1937年,屬私人收藏的奔馬(見附圖)。 其構圖、形態與本拍品類同。



Yanie Choi
Yanie Choi




The horse is one of Xu Beihong's most popular subjects. Winning high acclaim for their bold and lively styles, Xu's horse paintings were admired amongst collectors and connoisseurs not only for their charming look, but also their expression of patriotic feelings. Long regarded as a symbol of strength and courage by the Chinese, Xu's horses were created during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945), such as the current lot Running Horse, exemplified Chinese resistance against foreign invasion and symbolized the spirit of a new nation. These paintings were highly appreciated by overseas Chinese who had great sympathy for the conditions and the people of China.
Xu Beihong studied the anatomy of horses and observed their postures and expressions in great detail, rendering his unique style of horse painting. Painted with exceptionally bold and expressive brushwork, Running Horse is full of vigour and passion. A breakthrough from the conventional horse painting techniques of using fine-line and applying colour washes meticulously, Xu employed freehand strokes and outlined only the critical parts, such as the nose, the chest, and the hooves. The shape of the large muscles at the shoulders, breast and back is accentuated with ink washes in various tones, creating a handsome and robust figure. Using a few simple strokes of thick and dry ink, the texture and the movement of the mane and tail fluttering in the wind are vividly illustrated.
Compare a similar horse painting dated the same year of 1937 and dedicated to Mr. Qipan, in a private collection, as previously exhibited in Singapore (Singapore, The Singapore Art Museum, Xu Beihong in Nanyang, 5 April 2008-13 July 2008). (See Illustration)

更多來自 中國近現代畫
