XU BEIHONG (1895-1953)
喜瑪拉雅山杉林 水墨紙本 鏡框 一九四零年作


徐悲鴻 喜瑪拉雅山杉林 水墨紙本 鏡框 一九四零年作

題識:廿九年 (1940) 六月一日商達甫。悲鴻
來源:此畫是現藏家之太祖母於1941年在吉隆坡中華 大會堂舉行的徐悲鴻先生畫展助賬活動中以馬幣 一萬一千元購得,以支持在中日戰爭中流離失所 的難民。

註: 自1937年第二次中日戰爭爆發,亞洲各國華人社會紛紛舉辦賑災籌款活動,為祖國抗日作出捐獻與支持。1941年3月29日至4月4日,在吉隆坡由雪華籌賑會主辦的徐悲鴻先生畫展助賑就是徐氏芸芸為國難籌款活動中的表表者。展出畫作超過80件。1940年,徐悲鴻應印度偉大詩人泰戈爾及中印文化協會之邀請,到印度開畫展和講學。根據《徐悲鴻年譜》所載,徐氏於1940年4月逰覽商達甫 (Sandurphu),觀看世界最高的珠穆朗馬峯。同年6月1日,作中國畫《喜馬拉雅山杉林》。資料與本拍品上的題識完全吻合。《喜馬拉雅山杉林》體現徐悲鴻融合中西繪畫技巧以推進中國畫的信念與承諾。前景的杉木用勾勒筆法和水墨渲染方式,寫實地表達造型與光暗;背景之山林以潑墨的手法融解了輪廓線,表現光影氣氛,空濛的山色,再配上傳統留白的天空,令整幅畫遠見光亮。
This painting was acquired in Kuala Lumpur in 1941 during an exhibition at the Chinese Assembly Hall for a fund-raising event to provide humanitarian relief for refugees displaced as a result of the Sino-Japanese war. The present owner's great grandmother donated $11,000 Malayan Dollars to acquire the painting, and it has been with the family ever since.


Yanie Choi
Yanie Choi




With the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937, many fund-raising campaigns were organized in the Asian countries by the Chinese communities to contribute their support to China in fighting against Japanese invasion. Xu Beihong's exhibition, held in Kuala Lumpur in February 1941, was one of his various fund-raising events for his homeland. In this exhibition, more than 80 works by Xu Beihong were showcased. Invited by the great poet of India, Rabindranath Tagore, and the Sino-Indian Cultural Centre, Xu Beihong went to India in 1940 for exhibition and lecture. According to Xu Beihong's Chronology (Artists Publishing House, Taipei, 1991, pp.232-233), Xu visited Sandurphu in April 1940 to admire Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, and a Chinese ink painting Himalayan Forest was created on 1 June 1940. This matches perfectly with the inscription found on this painting.
Himalayan Forest demonstrates Xu's commitment to reforming Chinese paintings through the infusion of Western painting techniques. The fir and pine wood in the foreground are realistically depicted, using both outlining method and freehand brushstrokes for the form and tonal effects of the ink for the chiaroscuro. The forest and mountain in the background are rendered through splashes of ink wash in different shades. The overall luminous effect is further enhanced by leaving the upper part of the background unpainted or liubai, a characteristic of classical Chinese paintings.
Landscape is a rare painting subject for Xu Beihong and this painting of a wide and luminous view of Himalayan Forest is totally fresh to the market.

更多來自 中國近現代畫
