

水彩 韓國紙


自然與宗教本為一體,這觀念在崔令杰心中極為神聖。他致力把一切存在之物整合歸一,以瞬間式的攝影構圖將一幕幕寧靜風景捕捉下來,巧妙地留下一絲人類活動痕跡,而不干擾大自然與靈性的和諧與平衡,含蓄地表達出人類與自然相互協調的關係。細看《雪岳清明》(Lot 1442),我們不得不再次驚訝於崔令杰無可挑剔的寫實描繪技巧,秋天清爽的黃葉與不規則的平滑灰岩形成強烈的質感對比,為觀眾帶來極貼近現實的知覺感受,幾乎媲美自然之母的懾人力量。一如以往,他在這份莊嚴崇高之上,加添了自己對人生及人性軟弱之感受,以說明天國的完美與人世經驗間的距離,正是襯托出終極真理的必要背景。在《秋瀑抒情》(Lot 1443)和《老松圖》(Lot 1444)中,畫家筆下的風景卻迥然不同,它們被轉化、提升成另一種意象,遠離了寫實的描繪,大自然頓時變得有點超現實,甚至帶有幻想性和神聖意味。《秋瀑抒情》表現出極簡主義的態度,只有紅、橘二元色調,雖保留了畫家精密的描繪風格,構圖配置卻十分簡約,由搶眼的紅主導前景,淡橘勾畫遠山。《老松圖》的描寫亦同樣從簡,孤高的老松屹立於虛空之中,有機的形態肆意扭動著,頗有神威。在崔令杰的新作中,那稍縱即逝的風韻和大自然的情緒跟其極寫實主義作品如出一轍,但美學上則趨向象徵化,極簡主義描寫令主體更添神秘玄妙,有如層層待解開的謎。他要提醒我們,人類是大世界大宇宙的一個部份,我們不可能完全理解大自然的真諦和終極真理,然而,交流、體驗和欣賞的培養卻是非常重要的。


Understanding religion as one of the most compelling influences on moral values, inspiration, viewpoint of human beings, Choi too seek for spiritual meanings by defining the relationship between religion and nature; human and nature.

The idea of nature and religion as a whole is sacred to Choi as he endeavors to unite all existence by balancing human and nature together by subtly expressing through a snapshot composition to hint a trace of human existence taking a photograph of serene landscapes, yet without disturbing the harmony and balance of nature and spirit. Seorak-Clear and Balmy Season (Lot 1442) once again demonstrates his impeccably faithful brushstrokes describing contrary textures between wispy yellow autumn leaves against the irregular yet smooth grey rocks, to emulate the phenomenal power of Mother Nature by bringing the viewer close to sensual reality. Typically, Choi extends beyond its sublimity as scented with his affection for humanity and its vulnerability, to exalt the struggle between heavenly perfection and the human experience as a necessary backdrop in presenting the ultimate truth, but in Lyric of Autumn Waterfall and Old Pine Tree (Lot 1443), Choi transform and escalates his landscapes into unlike phenomena, where his nature appears surreal, far from its realistic depiction but rather imaginary and sanctified. Adopting on a minimalist attitude, Lyric of Autumn Waterfall is defined in two-tone of red and orange palette, though preserving his meticulous appearance the compositional arrangement is defined simple: dominating red dictating its closer perspective, faint orange tracing a mountain far from our vision. Old Pine Tree (Lot 1444) too is defined in simplicity, standing in solitary void, twisting its organic form that exudes a nuance of its divinity. In Choi's new endeavors, the ephemeral atmospheric effects and emotions of nature may remain the same as his hyperrealistic sceneries but is more symbolic in its aesthetics; hence the minimal depiction of the subject exuding layers of mysteries. Choi reminds us that as humans, we are a part of a larger realm or cosmos that we cannot possibly fully comprehend the essence of nature and the ultimate truth, but is the cultivation of interactions, experiences, and appreciation that is held important.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術日間拍賣
