


膠帶 設色 水墨 麻布 裱於木板 (共三件)
簽名:BoMin Kim

都市、橋樑由黑膠帶這種工業物料建造,自然景色則以學院派東方繪畫法則呈現──金甫珉把過去與現在連結在一起,凝聚成這片獨特的綜合風景。《Yuldo》(Lot 1446)於透視設計方面是高度現代化的,橋樑主導著畫面結構,硬朗的垂直和水平線築起背後繁華的城市,演繹出一幕現實中幾乎不會存在的風景。金甫珉運用這些鮮明線條之時,早已意識到其基本形態和表現力─—即不能彎曲的膠帶本身和單純的直線已足以描述動態和速度感,因此雖然畫中並無出現任何車輛或交通工具,視覺上已傳遞出都市的繁忙感。

在《傍晚歸航;破曉;及黑夜飛翔》(Lot 1445)中,金甫珉以定點透視法進行構圖佈局,將精確的地形描繪畫類與東方繪畫的流麗結合起來,以傳統美學重新建構韓國的現代化區域。安詳的黃土色調與平整感滲出濃濃畫意,仿如韓國水墨畫,但敘述方式卻是西方的,我們可輕易看到藝術家如何運用透視建立前景、中景和背景的空間層次──深色墨水紮實地畫出岩石和山坡,構成明朗的近景;中景則由密密麻麻的膠帶格子建造;遠景的群山和天空在雲霧與水氣的淡墨洗刷中消隱。金甫珉的繪畫的形式能細膩地表達其意念,啟發思考,成功在這片畫面空間裡融合著東方與西方、理想與現實、過去與現在,並邀請觀眾透過她的作品跨越時空,重新審視過去、把握現在與展望未來,讓人體會在現代世界儘管急速發展,過去的美好仍然是可以共存的。


As nature is preserved in its scholarly oriental painting method, the metropolitan and bridges are drafted in industrial materials of black plastic tape as Kim condense the past and the present into integrated fragments. Devised in a highly contemporary perspective with the bridge commanding the pictorial composition, Yuldo (Lot 1446) evolves as almost non-representational landscape with strong vertical and horizontal lines that dominate minute details of the cityscape. Kim constructs these bold lines with heightened awareness that these fundamental forms, thus the rigid tape itself and pure vertical lines could also characterize sense of movement and speed though the picture may be vacant of visual symbols of bustling cars and transportation.

Continuing to employ one point perspective and vanishing points, modern regions of Korea are recreated in traditional aesthetics with Kim's synthesis of topographical accuracy and oriental painting's fluidity in Evening Return; Dawn Fog; & Night Flight (Lot 1445). Here, the painterly aesthetics may assume the serene ochre tones and flatness of Korean ink paintings, but the depicted method is rather western as the perspective is clearly layered into foreground, middle, and background; The rocks and mountains are in deep washes of dark ink to indicate its defined and close proximity, whereas the middle is constructed in tight grids of tape, with fogs and mist fading the mountain and sky into the far distance with lightly washed inks. Kim expresses her idea in the form of an inspirational painting by eloquently balancing between east and west; ideal and reality; past and present to invite the viewer to travel through time in her creation, to observe the past afresh, grasp the present and look forward into the future, and to finally realize that the advancement of the modern world can coexist with the splendor of the past.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術日間拍賣
