India lost one of its foremost artists in March 2011. Known for his brilliant Neo-Tantric paintings Biren De's artistic career spanned over five decades, beginning as a portrait painter, gradually moving on to figurative and culminating into Neo-tantric style.
From his formative period, both of these paintings, Gossip and Girl Waiting, are characterised by a subtle elegance and plasticity depicting village life in Bengal. By simple but effective brush strokes the artist has captured the natural rhythmic movement of the women, drawing inspiration from George Keyt, who was a great influence on De's paintings of this period. The drawings (lots 57-59) offered here are from the same period and were produced during De's visit to the Ajanta, Ellora and Elephanta caves in Maharashtra.
From his formative period, both of these paintings, Gossip and Girl Waiting, are characterised by a subtle elegance and plasticity depicting village life in Bengal. By simple but effective brush strokes the artist has captured the natural rhythmic movement of the women, drawing inspiration from George Keyt, who was a great influence on De's paintings of this period. The drawings (lots 57-59) offered here are from the same period and were produced during De's visit to the Ajanta, Ellora and Elephanta caves in Maharashtra.