Picasso met Georges Ramié, the director of the Madoura pottery in Vallauris, during the summer of 1946. In August of the following year Picasso began to make pottery and ceramics with Ramié, creating almost two thousand works during the first year. Picasso single-handedly revived the pottery industry in Vallauris, which had fallen on hard times after the Second World War. The townspeople in their gratitude made Picasso an honorary citizen in February 1950.
Picasso's involvement with the Madoura pottery encouraged him to make his home nearby, and during the summer of 1948 the artist, Françoise Gilot and their year-old son Claude moved into the small pink villa known as "La Galloise," nestled in the hills overlooking the town. Their daughter Paloma was born shortly thereafter, in 1949. This settled, domestic existence, combined with congenial working conditions, appears to have inspired in the artist a rare sense of place, for Picasso increasingly painted landscapes showing his home and its environs. He had treated the landscape theme only sporadically since his cubist period, except as backdrop for his figure subjects.
Paysage de Vallauris is one of thirteen variations of house and tree Picasso painted over several weeks in June 1953. The works vary in size and complexity; some are highly stylized compositions, others were done in a more simplistic, almost primitive manner of which the present painting is an example.
Picasso's involvement with the Madoura pottery encouraged him to make his home nearby, and during the summer of 1948 the artist, Françoise Gilot and their year-old son Claude moved into the small pink villa known as "La Galloise," nestled in the hills overlooking the town. Their daughter Paloma was born shortly thereafter, in 1949. This settled, domestic existence, combined with congenial working conditions, appears to have inspired in the artist a rare sense of place, for Picasso increasingly painted landscapes showing his home and its environs. He had treated the landscape theme only sporadically since his cubist period, except as backdrop for his figure subjects.
Paysage de Vallauris is one of thirteen variations of house and tree Picasso painted over several weeks in June 1953. The works vary in size and complexity; some are highly stylized compositions, others were done in a more simplistic, almost primitive manner of which the present painting is an example.