This painting is one of a number of coastal scenes executed by Courbet at Trouville in Normandy, in the summer of 1865, and one of two such paintings dedicated to the artist's friend and patron Nodler (see also R. Fernier, La vie et l'oeuvre de Gustave Courbet, 1977, vol. 1, no. 511). Nodler also commissioned two portraits of his sons from the artist in 1866 (op. cit, nos. 540 and 541).
In a letter dated 10 April 2012, J. Fernier points out the anthropomorphic nature of the rock in the foreground, stressing that this is one of the earliest instances of a device that Courbet would use throughout his later career when painting rock formations.
This work is sold with a letter by Jean-Jacques Fernier dated 10 April 2012 confirming that it will be included in his supplement to the Courbet catalogue raisonné.
In a letter dated 10 April 2012, J. Fernier points out the anthropomorphic nature of the rock in the foreground, stressing that this is one of the earliest instances of a device that Courbet would use throughout his later career when painting rock formations.
This work is sold with a letter by Jean-Jacques Fernier dated 10 April 2012 confirming that it will be included in his supplement to the Courbet catalogue raisonné.