Anonymous (Cuzco School 18th Century)
Anonymous (Cuzco School 18th Century)

The Virgin of Mercy with Saints

Anonymous (Cuzco School 18th Century)
The Virgin of Mercy with Saints
inscribed 'A devoción de Dn. Manuel Prego de Montaos, echa en la Ciudad del Cuzco, en 3, de Febrero del 1772' (lower center)
oil on canvas
36¾ x 26¾ in. (93 x 68 cm.)
Painted in 1772.


The painting was commissioned by Don Manuel Prego de Montaos, a resident of the city of Potosí in devotion to the Virgin of Mercy. His name appears on the small cartouche at lower center.

The Virgin of Mercy and the Holy Child are shown rising from the heavenly clouds surrounded by angels and archangels. Depicted is also the communion of All Saints, who kneel below her in an architectural setting with Salomonic columns. The Virgin is dressed in the white habit of the Mercederian Order. The Mercederians originally dedicated themselves to saving Christians captured by the Moors and held for ransom in North Africa. Above her is God the Father and the Holy Spirit. On her sides from left to right, are the Archangels Uriel with his pilgrim's staff, basket of bread and blossoms; in front of him is Michael with shield and sword; Gabriel, the Angel of the Annunciation with his white lily symbolizing Mary's purity; and Raphael with a heart in his hand leading a soul. The saints below include members of the Virgin's earthly family, St. Anne, her mother, St. Joachim, her father along with St. Joseph her spouse St. John the Baptist, St. Elizabeth and Zacharias. Included in the row beneath these holy personages from left to right are Saints Ramón Nonato and Pedro Nolasco, founders of the Mercedarian Order; Vincent Ferrer, Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, Thomas Aquinas, Dominic, Francis of Assisi, Diego de Alcalá, Anthony of Padua, Anthony Abbott, Francisco de Paula and Francisco de Borja. Below are Saints Barbara, Monica, Bartholomew, Rita of Cascia and Lucy. At lower center are the four evangelists writing their gospels on the same table. And, finally below these are the doctors of the Church--Ambrose, Gregory the Great, Jerome, and Augustine alongside Christ's apostles St. Peter with the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and St. Paul with his sword.

更多來自 <strong>拉丁美洲藝術</strong>
