These copper panels are based on two engravings by Antwerp printmaker Jan Sadeler I (1550-1600). According to inscriptions on the prints, the first composition is based on a design by Joannes Stradanus (1523-1605), while the second was conceived by Joos van der Winghe (circa 1544-1603) (see F.W.H. Hollstein, Dutch and Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts ca. 1450-1700, Amsterdam, 1949-, XXI, nos. 553, 559, pp. 174-175; XXII, figs. 553, 559). A preparatory drawing by Van Winghe in Dresden (inv. C1924-91) shares orientation and dimensions with the House of ill-fame (see J. Hand et al., The Age of Bruegel, exhibition catalogue, Washington, D.C., 1986, no. 122).