編號1110、1111及1112之拍品,上款人均為漢琦,即鍾漢琦,香港股票商人。酷愛藝術,尤喜西方印象派繪畫。鍾氏與六十年代活躍於香港的中元畫會交往頗深,常把自己的寫字樓牆壁免費借給中元畫會的藝術家展覽作品。香港第一間商業畫廊的主人就是在聽取了鍾先生的意見後,於1962年開設位於尖沙咀的“雅苑”(Chatham Galleries),填補了香港商業畫廊的空白。
LU SHOUKUN (1919-1975)
呂壽琨 獅山 設色紙本 鏡框 一九五九年作
呂壽琨 獅山 設色紙本 鏡框 一九五九年作
題識:獅山。漢琦大方家鑒正。己亥(1959年) 秋,呂壽琨寫。
鈐印:譽虎、呂壽琨印、肖形印 (虎) 、自誠明
Zhong Hanqi was a stock trader in Hong Kong. He loved art, particularly Western Impressionist paintings. Zhong had a very good relationship with the Zhongyuan Painting Society, an active art association in the 1960s. He frequently let the painting society use his office walls to hang artworks without charge. Hong Kong's first commercial gallery, Chatham Galleries, was opened in Tsim Sha Tsui in 1962 after its owner consulted Zhong, marking the beginning of commercial art galleries in the city.
Ben Kong