Mark Justiniani (B. 1966)


油彩 畫布


Renowned Filipino artist Mark Justiniani yet again exhibits a keen awareness of the human condition. In The Chase, two men are portrayed in a tight race to the finish line. Dressed in suits, the artist comments on the pace of working life and the competitiveness which has come to characterise our relations with one another. Justiniani has rendered this painting like a video game: framed with colorful icons at all four corners of the frame representing the 'health' or 'life' bar; the 'dice' which tracks the luck we are dealt from the world, and which we deal in return; and a bar code which interfaces between our reality and that of the game. We track the progress of the players in breathless anticipation simply to realize there is only one protagonist. The race is revealed to be between the single man and his own expectations for himself within the modern condition of the increasingly collapsed boundaries between work life, personal life, the digital, as well as the actual; and his closest competitor is actually his alter-ego.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 (日間拍賣)
