An electric stove, equipped with cord and plug to switch it on, two male figures who are chasing each other round the coil: the traits typical of Muñoz are recognisable not only in the features, but also in the complex play of the pleats of the overalls the men are wearing, and in the movements captured in the limbs. The thing that struck us most was that it was a sculpture in bronze: it seemed to us to be made of resin, so refined is the execution.
The electric stove is not only amusing and original, as the base of the sculpture, but it also works perfectly: if you plug it in, the coil becomes incandescent and gives out a remarkable heat. We only tried it once: we don't think it is good for the running bronze figures.
It is a work which, placed on a tall, thin iron table, is shown to the best advantage, and it leaves a lively trace in the room.
The electric stove is not only amusing and original, as the base of the sculpture, but it also works perfectly: if you plug it in, the coil becomes incandescent and gives out a remarkable heat. We only tried it once: we don't think it is good for the running bronze figures.
It is a work which, placed on a tall, thin iron table, is shown to the best advantage, and it leaves a lively trace in the room.