‘You can’t act as though modernism can be reinvented; everyone knows the historical development it went through. Humor and irony are perhaps a good way to approach it. I wasn’t interested in holy values that lay claim to a final and timeless beauty. I don’t believe in that; on the contrary. When I approach modernism it means breaking with all these clichés’
(M. Amm, quoted in O. Koerner von Gustorf, ‘”You Can’t Reinvent Modernism”: An Encounter with Markus Amm’, https://www.db-artmag.com/en/56/feature/markus-amm-you-cant-reinvent-modernism/ [accessed 14 January 2014]).
(M. Amm, quoted in O. Koerner von Gustorf, ‘”You Can’t Reinvent Modernism”: An Encounter with Markus Amm’, https://www.db-artmag.com/en/56/feature/markus-amm-you-cant-reinvent-modernism/ [accessed 14 January 2014]).