"We have from time to time referred to the new munition workers who are devoting their time to continuous work in shell and other factories concerned with the production of war stores of all descriptions. these particular ladies are working in their overalls and mob caps in one of the big workshops of Messrs' Vickers Ltd. They are at present undergoing a course of instruction, which is rapidly qualifying them for regular work. they have agreed to continue at this workshop for a period of six months. These ladies, who in time of peace have been used to a very different life, devote their whole time to the work, and do not put in a haphazard hour or so, as some might imagine. It is serious continuous labour which they are giving. They are delighted to have responsible work to do. they receive a proper wage for their work, in the same way as any regular woman worker. The worker in the right-hand bottom corner is reaching out her hand for a gauge, which she will run up and down the shining exterior of the shell cases in order to see that they are neither too small or too large."