"For some time past the inhabitants of the devastated regions op' Belgium and Northern France have been gradually returning to their ruined homes, and now they are being followed by others - by people who are anxious to visit the battlefields. Oddly composed little groups are to be met with among the ruins, shepherded by an officer who serves as a guide - a necessary precaution, for the deep shell holes and unexploded shells by no means belong to the past. Many of the tourists are women, and some have come to see the graves of their menfolk who lie buried near the battlefields. The dead who lie in these isolated graves near Ypres are being buried in the great cemetery on the Menin Road, close to Woodcote Farm. Our artist has drawn a typical group of visitors to Ypres, where so much heavy fighting took place: In the background can be seen the ruined tower of the famous Cloth Hall, among the wreckage of the Grand Place. The work of clearing up is now being pushed forward with all possible speed and energy."