GU WENDA (B.1955)

聯合國計劃 1993-2000年意大利部門:神的孩子

聯合國計劃 1993-2000年意大利部門:神的孩子
綜合媒材 鉛筆 紙本(共兩件)



Gu Wenda is today one of the first Chinese artists to have attained academic recognition internationally. His installation works have been exhibited in the most prestigious museums globally.
These rare preparatory works originated in the creative process for two of Gu Wenda's most important early projects: Refound Oedipus Complex (Lot 585) and UNITED NATIONS 1993-2000 (an ongoing world-wide art project for twenty-first century) (Lot 586). The latter was generated from the accomplishment of the former. United Nations 1993-2000 is a 15 years ongoing project that the artist developed in a variety of countries. The drawing and sculpture in lot (Lot 586) are part of the second step of the United Nations project titled Italian Monument: God and Children. The brick and human hair are the two fundamental ongoing forms in this project. This is the very first instance in which Gu Wenda constructed form with human hair. The hair in the bread belongs to the artist and his muse at that time, Monique Sartor, who curated his first and second solo shows in Italy. The ink drawings for Refound Oedipus Complex are all the more unique in his oeuvre as they blend two of his forms of artistic expressions: ink and installation. The material for the installations themselves, which are also a series in stages, like the United Nations projects are also human derived materials. This two ensembles of works are exceptional examples of the artist's creative process and bear a very important personal relevance, from their dedication to Monique Sartor.

更多來自 亞洲當代藝術 (日間拍賣)
